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MIRNet model is used to enhance a low-light image. Implemented MIR-Net model with TF-Lite.

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MIRNet Flutter

MIRNet model is used to enhance a low-light image. Implemented MIRNet TF-Lite Model with Flutter App.


This flutter app is used to enhance low light images with the help of TF-Lite.


  • Tensorflow Hub: Link [Used TFLite (mirnet-fixed/integer)]
  • My Inference Notebook: Link


Project Structure

├── main.dart
├── services
│   └── transfer.dart
└── views
    └── tansferPage.dart

2 directories, 3 files


Reference Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.06792v2.pdf
Reference Repositry Link: https://github.com/soumik12345/MIRNet/
Reference Repositry Link: https://github.com/sayakpaul/MIRNet-TFLite-TRT/

How to run

1. Open your terminal
2. Copy the command 'git clone https://github.com/sayannath/MIRNet-Flutter.git'
3. cd MIRNet-Flutter
4. flutter pub get [Make sure Flutter is installed]
5. flutter run

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Pull Request

Pull Requests are welcome. Please follow these rules for the ease of understanding:

  • Make sure to check for available issues before raising one
  • Give me a maximum of 24-48 hours to respond
  • Have proper documentation on the parts you are changing/adding

Developed & Maintained by

👨 Sayan Nath

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