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:octocat: Daily tips from Android World
Daily Tips From Android World
#186 Fragment Container View
#185 Filter Google Places Autocomplete
#184 String Extension JoinToString
#183 Android DI Performance
#182 Flow Api Cheat Sheet by Remy Benza
#181 Sequence
#180 Providing Build Config Fields on Multi-Dimensional Flavor Types
#179 Bitmap Extension
#178 BuildScript vs Allprojects
#177 Transient Annotation
#176 ConstraintLayout Aspect Ratio
#175 CoroutineScope Vs SupervisorScope
#174 Make When Exhaustive
#173 Delegating Setters and Getters
#172 Proguard Keep Variants
#171 Kotlin Average Usage
#170 View Visiblity Extensions
#169 Kotlin Where usage
#168 Moshi over Gson
#167 Constructor Injection over Field Injection
#166 Localizing Firebase Push Notifications
#165 Dagger Android Injector
#164 Transformations switchMap and map LiveData-KTX usage
#163 Creating Efficient Splash Screen
#162 Handling Deep Link with Navigation Component
#161 Flow vs Observable
#160 Newline At End Of File
#159 Calling Java from Kotlin - Notation For Platform Types
#158 App Background - Foreground Listener
#157 Automatically encrypts keys and values and adheres to the SharedPreference Interface
#156 Drawable vs Mipmap Folders
#155 Extension functions for View Model Providers
#154 Relation Between Livedata,MutableLiveData and MediatorLiveData
#153 Coroutines Continuation Usage
#152 Reading-Writing lists from/to RoomDB with Moshi
#151 Jetpack Compose Sample
#150 Launch vs Async
#149 EditText Manual Focus Forward
#148 Function Interfaces
#147 DI Impl Costs Chart
#146 Easy Spannable on Kotlin
#145 ApiCalls and Suspend Functions
#144 First and Predicate Usage
#143 Luhn Check
#142 List Impl. Discuss
#141 How to Read From Json
#140 Checking Location Services with AndroidX
#139 How LiveData works?
#138 RxJava Firebase Storage Sample Usage
#137 Naming Imports
#136 Keyboard Show/Hide Ext.
#135 Correct usage of LifeCycleOwner in Fragments
#134 Handling onBackPressed on Fragments
#133 Mapper in Kotlin
#132 Why use Modularization in Android App Dev?
#131 Understanding Let Apply Run Also With
#130 Android Studio Apply Changes
#129 Art vs Dalvik
#128 Static protection techniques that Dexguard provides
#127 Sample network call with using RxJava, ViewModel and LiveData
#126 ArrayList to String with Separator
#125 ViewModel Extension for Coroutines Safe Launch
#124 Kotlin In and Is Usage
#123 App Component Factory
#122 When With Mixed Objects
#121 Observing Network Requests with Stetho
#120 Interitance With Data Classes
#119 Key Points of Android Q Features
#118 Dowlading file using OkHttp & Okio
#117 Kotlin As Class Clash (by Ragunath Jawahar #30DaysOfKotlin)
#116 Fragment Lifecyclescope.laucnhWhenStarted
#115 Local First with Coroutines
#114 Logging methods and parameters with Live Template
#113 Kotlin Run
#112 Kapt Incremental Compilation
#111 Creating Hidden Files
#110 Locus Id