Saurav Kumar Singh
Saurav Kumar Singh
PS: I am trying to run this on the cloud and then left it running. But then I found that after getting teams id, it does not recheck after the...
```{ "email": "REDACTED", "password": "REDACTED", "run_at_time": "", "meeting_mode": 2, "organisation_num" : 1, "random_delay": true, "check_interval": 60, "auto_leave_after_min": 60, "leave_if_last": false, "headless" : false, "mute_audio": true, "chrome_type": "google-chrome", "blacklist": [ {...
I am running this on Ubuntu 18 on Cloud
Yeah its working fine no issue detected for chrome or chromium it works fine
I did actually , nothing worked out
```Enabled headless mode [WDM] - Cache is valid for [28/10/2020] [WDM] - Looking for [chromedriver 86.0.4240.22 linux64] driver in cache [WDM] - Driver found in cache [/home/ubuntu/.wdm/drivers/chromedriver/86.0.4240.22/linux64/chromedriver] Resized window width...
I used print statements to debug the code
Then a slight change with the process creation of teams will be enough to run this on Linux too