odd-jobs copied to clipboard
Failed to build odd-jobs-0.2.2 (type error)
Hi, I'm trying to use odd-jobs in a small project of mine, and I'm running into this error on cabal build
(first time installation of odd-jobs).
❯ cabal build
Build profile: -w ghc-9.0.1 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
- odd-jobs-0.2.2 (lib) (requires build)
- gaia- (lib) (configuration changed)
- gaia- (exe:gaia) (configuration changed)
Starting odd-jobs-0.2.2 (lib)
Building odd-jobs-0.2.2 (lib)
Failed to build odd-jobs-0.2.2.
Build log (
Configuring library for odd-jobs-0.2.2..
Preprocessing library for odd-jobs-0.2.2..
Building library for odd-jobs-0.2.2..
[1 of 9] Compiling OddJobs.Types ( src/OddJobs/Types.hs, dist/build/OddJobs/Types.o, dist/build/OddJobs/Types.dyn_o )
src/OddJobs/Types.hs:22:1: warning: [-Wdodgy-imports]
The import item ‘Html(..)’ suggests that
‘Html’ has (in-scope) constructors or class methods,
but it has none
22 | import Lucid (Html(..))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[2 of 9] Compiling OddJobs.Migrations ( src/OddJobs/Migrations.hs, dist/build/OddJobs/Migrations.o, dist/build/OddJobs/Migrations.dyn_o )
src/OddJobs/Migrations.hs:47:3: warning: [-Wunused-do-bind]
A do-notation statement discarded a result of type ‘GHC.Int.Int64’
Suppress this warning by saying
‘_ <- execute_ conn (createJobTableQuery tname)’
47 | PGS.execute_ conn (createJobTableQuery tname)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[3 of 9] Compiling OddJobs.Job ( src/OddJobs/Job.hs, dist/build/OddJobs/Job.o, dist/build/OddJobs/Job.dyn_o )
src/OddJobs/Job.hs:171:17: error:
• Couldn't match type: forall a1. [JobErrHandler a1]
with: [JobErrHandler a]
Expected: Config -> [JobErrHandler a]
Actual: Config -> forall a. [JobErrHandler a]
• In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘cfgOnJobFailed’
In the first argument of ‘(<$>)’, namely
‘cfgOnJobFailed . envConfig’
In the expression: cfgOnJobFailed . envConfig <$> ask
• Relevant bindings include
onJobFailed :: RunnerM [JobErrHandler a]
(bound at src/OddJobs/Job.hs:171:3)
171 | onJobFailed = cfgOnJobFailed . envConfig <$> ask
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
cabal: Failed to build odd-jobs-0.2.2 (which is required by exe:gaia from
gaia- See the build log above for details.
GHC version is 9.0.1, using cabal 2.4.