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Paper repository for "Ordered Beta Regression" (Kubinec 2022). For R package ordbetareg, see Github repo www.github.com/saudiwin/ordbetareg_pack
Robert Kubinec January 11th, 2022
Please note: This is the repository for the paper files. To access the R package ordbetareg
, please go to this repository: www.github.com/saudiwin/ordbetareg_pack.
This repository contains data and code for the paper, “Ordered Beta Regression: A Parsimonious, Well-Fitting Model for Continuous Data with Lower and Upper Bounds", which is now forthcoming at the journal Political Analysis. An ungated preprint can be found here: https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/2sx6y/. Replication files can be found both on Dataverse and Github.
To replicate the paper, please first run the install.R
script to make sure all relevant packages are installed. The script will also install cmdstanr
and a version of cmdstan
, which is the underlying MCMC sampling library from the Stan project. Installing cmdstan
requires the R toolchain; if you have any trouble or are unsure see the cmdstanr
package installation instructions: https://mc-stan.org/cmdstanr/articles/cmdstanr.html.
The file master.R
will then run all the necessary scripts to compile the paper and supplementary information (compilation requires a working Latex installation). Note that master.R
by default loads the existing simulation data in the data
folder. To fully reproduce the simulation, set the run_sim
variable in master.R
. Note that running the full simulation can require up to a few days on a machine with ~40 cores.
The version of R used for these results was 4.1.2 and the version of the R packages is as follows:
- dplyr: 1.0.7
- rstanarm: 2.21.1
- tidyr: 1.1.4
- lubridate: 1.8.0
- loo: 2.4.1
- kableExtra: 1.3.4
- bayesplot: 1.8.1
- patchwork: 1.1.1
- stringr: 1.4.0
- grDevices: 4.1.2
- emojifont: 0.5.5
- latex2exp: 0.5.0
- haven: 2.4.3
- ggplot2: 3.3.5
- posterior: 1.2.0
- brms: 2.16.3
- remotes: 2.4.2
- future.apply: 1.8.1
- faux: 1.1.0
- rmarkdown: 2.11
- bookdown: 0.24
- tinytex: 0.36
- extrafont: 0.17
The repository includes the following files:
The accepted version of the reproducible Rmarkdown document that can be run in Rstudio to re-produce the results. Note that thedata
folder in this repository contains necessary data to reproduce results. -
These files show how to run ordered beta regression models using the R packagebrms
. -
This R script contains all the auxiliary code needed to fit the model with R packagebrms
(see vignette above for more info). -
Fitted model object files to reproduce paper results much faster -
Simulation results to reproduce paper results much faster -
Data from Toke and Aidt (2012) -
This R script will run a simulation comparing the ordered beta regression model to alternatives, including the zero-one-inflated Beta regression model (ZOIB). The output of a 10,000 run of this simulation is saved indata/
. -
This R script will run a simulation comparing the ordered beta regression model to alternatives, but with fixed rather than random draws of relevant parameters (results are in the SI, not main paper). The output of a 4,000 run of this simulation is saved indata/
. -
This file contains the Stan code used to fit an ordered beta regression model in Stan. -
This file contains Stan code used to fit the zero-one-inflated beta regression model (ZOIB). -
This file constains Stan code to fit an ordered beta regression model with additional predictors for phi, the scale parameter in the distribution. These additional parameters allow for understanding the effect of covariates on encouraging clustered or more dispersed (estreme) responses from respondents. -
This file contains a Stan parameterization of the fractional logit model. -
These additional Stan files are various ways of parameterizing the midpoint of the scale when the midpoint is considered missing data. None of them appear to do a better job at predicting the outcome than versions that considered the midpoint to be observed data. -
References necessary to compile the paper. -
Latex packages for paper