ofxZmq copied to clipboard
from https://github.com/zeromq/cppzmq tested on mac, closes #13
https://github.com/satoruhiga/ofxZmq/blob/master/src/ofxZmqSocket.cpp#L195 Either `* 1000` should be removed, or the parameter `timeout_millis` should be changed to `timeout_seconds`. The `long` timeout in seconds makes it impossible to have a short timeout (
Appears to require https://github.com/zeromq/cppzmq?
I made revive one file and example project to work sound.
there is no lib folder containing osx and ios .a files. so i get a compile file not found error.
hey. not sure if i'm using this 100% correctly but if i have 2 ofxZmqPair's: - Client - Server If I quit the client and reopen, then the connection will...
Hi, I got this error when I tried to build an ofxZmq example on iPhone. Does it work for iOS device? maybe I miss some steps? thanks.
Hi, I'm new to both oF and zmq. (C++ as well) In my project, I need node.js code to be connected with oF code, and I though zmq would be...