kaguya copied to clipboard
how to return a table?
how can i return a table? i do not want to create map in c/c++(it use frequency)
now code:(how to change to kaguya) int nRows = dataTable.NumOfRows(); int nField = dataTable.NumOfFields(); lua_newtable(tolua_S); int array_index = lua_gettop(tolua_S); for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { lua_newtable(tolua_S); int result_index = lua_gettop(tolua_S); for (int j = 0; j < nField; j++) { dataTable.SetRow(i); lua_pushstring(tolua_S, dataTable.NameOfField(j)); lua_pushstring(tolua_S, dataTable.ValueOfField(j)); lua_settable(tolua_S, result_index); } lua_settop(tolua_S, result_index); lua_rawseti(tolua_S, array_index, i + 1); }
It is maybe like this
int luafnc(lua_State* L)
int nRows = dataTable.NumOfRows();
int nField = dataTable.NumOfFields();
kaguya::State state(L);
kaguya::LuaTable array= state.newTable(nRows);
for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++)
kaguya::LuaTable row= state.newTable(0,nField);
for (int j = 0; j < nField; j++)
row[dataTable.NameOfField(j)] = dataTable.ValueOfField(j);
array[i + 1] = row;
return 1;
in member function, can i write like this? .addStaticFunction("QueryTotalData", [](CCQLite3DB* pDB, char* pSQL, CCQLite3DBTable* pTable)->kaguya::CCQLite3DBTable_Warp { { kaguya::CCQLite3DBTable_Warp ret; if (!pDB->GetDataToTable(pSQL, pTable)) { return ret; } ret.m_pTmpTable = pTable; return ret; }}) ); namespace kaguya { class CCQLite3DBTable_Warp { public: CCQLite3DBTable_Warp() { m_pTmpTable = nullptr; } virtual ~CCQLite3DBTable_Warp() {
CCQLite3DBTable* m_pTmpTable;
template<> struct lua_type_traits<CCQLite3DBTable_Warp> {
typedef CCQLite3DBTable_Warp get_type;
typedef const CCQLite3DBTable_Warp& push_type;
static int push(lua_State* l, push_type sTmp) {
CCQLite3DBTable* s = (CCQLite3DBTable*)sTmp.m_pTmpTable;
if (s == nullptr)
else {
int nRows = s->NumOfRows();
int nField = s->NumOfFields();
int array_index = lua_gettop(l);
for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
int result_index = lua_gettop(l);
for (int j = 0; j < nField; j++) {
lua_pushstring(l, s->NameOfField(j));
lua_pushstring(l, s->ValueOfField(j));
lua_settable(l, result_index);
lua_settop(l, result_index);
lua_rawseti(l, array_index, i + 1);
return 1;