seurat icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
seurat copied to clipboard

address 0x2b1b5e393b48, cause 'memory not mapped' error

Open basetwin opened this issue 1 year ago • 4 comments

adata_combined = ad.concat(adata_list, index_unique=None, join='outer', fill_value = 0) <- I have made h5ad file using this code

data <- open_matrix_anndata_hdf5('10x/adata_before_meta.h5ad') write_matrix_dir(mat = data, dir = 'bpc')

mat <- open_matrix_dir(dir = 'bpc') meta_data <- read_csv('10x/metadata.csv')

obj <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = mat, = meta_data) saveRDS(obj, 'adata_filtered_seurat.RDS') ~

My data is scRNA-seq data of 2 million cells. As data is so large, I merged representative scRNA-seq sample data in python (scanpy), and then I converted it into R seurat object using BPCells (upside code). After that, I processed my seurat object (Normalize, FindVariableFeatures, ScaleData). These steps (normalize ~scale) do not raise errors but in RunPCA step, the error arises.

Warning: Converting to a dense matrix may use excessive memory This message is displayed once every 8 hours.

*** caught segfault *** address 0x2b780a393b48, cause 'memory not mapped'

Traceback: 1: build_csparse_matrix_double_cpp(iter) 2: asMethod(object) 3: as(from, "dgCMatrix") 4: as.matrix(.) 5: as(from, "dgCMatrix") %>% as.matrix() 6: asMethod(object) 7: as(x, "matrix") 8: as.matrix.IterableMatrix(X) 9: as.matrix(X) 10: apply(X = data.use, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = var) 11: PrepDR5(object = object, features = features, layer = layer, verbose = verbose) 12: RunPCA.StdAssay(object = object[[assay]], assay = assay, features = features, npcs = npcs, rev.pca = rev.pca, =, verbose = verbose, ndims.print = ndims.print, nfeatures.print = nfeatures.print, reduction.key = reduction.key, seed.use = seed.use, ...) 13: RunPCA(object = object[[assay]], assay = assay, features = features, npcs = npcs, rev.pca = rev.pca, =, verbose = verbose, ndims.print = ndims.print, nfeatures.print = nfeatures.print, reduction.key = reduction.key, seed.use = seed.use, ...) 14: RunPCA.Seurat(obj, npcs = 30) 15: RunPCA(obj, npcs = 30)

how can I deal with this error? or there are any other ways to input extracted reduction information into seurat object? I have also converted preprocessed data (from scanpy, from normalization to runumap) using seuratdisk, but this step also raises errors. Loading required package: reticulate Warning: Unknown file type: h5ad Warning: 'assay' not set, setting to 'RNA' Creating h5Seurat file for version Adding X as data Adding X as counts Adding meta.features from var Validating h5Seurat file Warning: Feature names cannot have underscores ('_'), replacing with dashes ('-') Initializing RNA with data Error in sparseMatrix(i = x[["indices"]][] + 1, p = x[["indptr"]][], x = x[["data"]][], : 'p' must be a nondecreasing vector c(0, ...) Calls: LoadH5Seurat ... as.matrix.H5Group -> as.sparse -> as.sparse.H5Group -> sparseMatrix In addition: Warning message: In sparseMatrix(i = x[["indices"]][] + 1, p = x[["indptr"]][], x = x[["data"]][], : NAs introduced by coercion to integer range Execution halted

please help me..

basetwin avatar Jan 29 '24 07:01 basetwin

Hi, we have a similar issue. When processing a snRNA-seq dataset of ~380k cells (Normalize, FindVariableFeatures, ScaleData, RunHarmony), we get an error in the RunUMAP step:

 *** caught segfault ***
address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped'

 1: .Primitive(".Call")("eigs_shift_sym", new("dgCMatrix", i = c(0L, 871L, 2623L, 3140L, 4902L, 5600L, 6374L, 7285L, 7559L, 7975L, 9036L, 9094L, 10912L, 55518L, 58114L, 60039L, 60848L, 61549L, 64513L, 66170L, 66423L, 68573L, 71910L, 138930L, 141019L, 162907L, 168442L, 169368L, 172898L, 225968L, 3407
 2:, args = dot_call_args)
 3: eigs_real_sym(A, nrow(A), k, which, sigma, opts, mattype = "sym_dgCMatrix",     extra_args = list(use_lower = as.logical(lower)))
 4: eigs_sym.dgCMatrix(L, k = k, which = "LM", sigma = 0, opt = opt)
 5: RSpectra::eigs_sym(L, k = k, which = "LM", sigma = 0, opt = opt)
 6: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
 7: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
 8: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
 9: tryCatch(RSpectra::eigs_sym(L, k = k, which = "LM", sigma = 0,     opt = opt), error = function(c) {    NULL})
10: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) if (inherits(w,     classes)) tryInvokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
11: suppressWarnings(res <- tryCatch(RSpectra::eigs_sym(L, k = k,     which = "LM", sigma = 0, opt = opt), error = function(c) {    NULL}))
12: rspectra_eigs_sym(L, ndim, verbose = verbose)
13: rspectra_normalized_laplacian_init(A, ndim, verbose = FALSE)
14: spectral_init(V, ndim = n_components, verbose = verbose)
15: uwot(X = X, n_neighbors = n_neighbors, n_components = n_components,     metric = metric, n_epochs = n_epochs, alpha = learning_rate,     scale = scale, init = init, init_sdev = init_sdev, spread = spread,     min_dist = min_dist, set_op_mix_ratio = set_op_mix_ratio,     local_connectivity = loca
16: umap(X = object, n_threads = nbrOfWorkers(), n_neighbors = as.integer(x = n.neighbors),     n_components = as.integer(x = n.components), metric = metric,     n_epochs = n.epochs, learning_rate = learning.rate, min_dist = min.dist,     spread = spread, set_op_mix_ratio = set.op.mix.ratio, local_c
17: RunUMAP.default(object = data.use, reduction.model = reduction.model,     return.model = return.model, assay = assay, umap.method = umap.method,     n.neighbors = n.neighbors, n.components = n.components, metric = metric,     n.epochs = n.epochs, learning.rate = learning.rate, min.dist = min.dis
18: RunUMAP(object = data.use, reduction.model = reduction.model,     return.model = return.model, assay = assay, umap.method = umap.method,     n.neighbors = n.neighbors, n.components = n.components, metric = metric,     n.epochs = n.epochs, learning.rate = learning.rate, min.dist = min.dist,     s
19: RunUMAP.Seurat(., reduction = this_reduction, dims = 1:n_dims,     verbose = FALSE)
20: RunUMAP(., reduction = this_reduction, dims = 1:n_dims, verbose = FALSE)
21: seu_obj %>% RunPCA(npcs = n_dims, verbose = FALSE) %>% RunHarmony(c("sample_id"),     theta = theta, verbose = TRUE) %>% RunUMAP(reduction = this_reduction,     dims = 1:n_dims, verbose = FALSE)

An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now ...

We have processed datasets of similar size (and also much bigger) before and we didn't have problems. What could be the issue here?

Thanks for your help!

juliap2000 avatar Feb 26 '24 16:02 juliap2000

I have the same issue when trying to do RunPCA on a relatively small object. 89k cells. I have worked with much larger objects in the past without issue.

`test <- RunPCA(test) Warning: Converting to a dense matrix may use excessive memory This message is displayed once every 8 hours.

*** caught segfault *** address 0x7f1bd4864c94, cause 'memory not mapped'

Traceback: 1: build_csparse_matrix_double_cpp(iter) 2: asMethod(object) 3: as(from, "dgCMatrix") 4: as.matrix(.) 5: as(from, "dgCMatrix") %>% as.matrix() 6: asMethod(object) 7: as(x, "matrix") 8: as.matrix.IterableMatrix(X) 9: as.matrix(X) 10: apply(X = data.use, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = var) 11: PrepDR5(object = object, features = features, layer = layer, verbose = verbose) 12: RunPCA.StdAssay(object = object[[assay]], assay = assay, features = features, npcs = npcs, rev.pca = rev.pca, =, verbose = verbose, ndims.print = ndims.print, nfeatures.print = nfeatures.print, reduction.key = reduction.key, seed.use = seed.use, ...) 13: RunPCA(object = object[[assay]], assay = assay, features = features, npcs = npcs, rev.pca = rev.pca, =, verbose = verbose, ndims.print = ndims.print, nfeatures.print = nfeatures.print, reduction.key = reduction.key, seed.use = seed.use, ...) 14: RunPCA.Seurat(test) 15: RunPCA(test) `

kennethabarr avatar Mar 05 '24 20:03 kennethabarr

I've been getting the same issue on a dataset of 40k cells and 75k features, with counts ect. stored in file using BPCells.

My workaround was to subset the Seurat object to one only containing variable features. [ And then recall FindVariableFeatures to workaround the subset issue #8555 ]. Then RunPCA worked with moderate memory usage and I assigned the pca back into the main object.


An object of class Seurat 75117 features across 40047 samples within 1 assay Active assay: RNA (75117 features, 2000 variable features) 3 layers present: counts, data,

var.feat = VariableFeatures(filt)
for_pca = subset(filt, features=var.feat)
for_pca = FindVariableFeatures(for_pca)

An object of class Seurat 2000 features across 40047 samples within 1 assay Active assay: RNA (2000 features, 2000 variable features) 3 layers present: counts, data,

for_pca = RunPCA(for_pca)
filt[["pca"]] = for_pca[["pca"]]

RunPCA is supposed to use variable features by default, so idk maybe there's a clue there :)

sarahhp avatar Apr 12 '24 12:04 sarahhp

I'm getting this error too, when not using BPCells

ollieeknight avatar Jun 24 '24 06:06 ollieeknight

Hi, I belive that this problem is caused by Rcpp. I fixed this problem after removing current Rcpp and RcppAnnoy and re-compiling them in current enviroment. I guess this glitch was caused by the different c++ you using from different enviroment.

hx07-code avatar Jul 15 '24 07:07 hx07-code