MMM-OpenmapWeather icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MMM-OpenmapWeather copied to clipboard

This module loads current weather as images on Magic Mirror

Results 4 MMM-OpenmapWeather issues
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has anyone tried to change the color of the text displayed and change away from the greyish white?

When I use this module it appears for about a second on my screen and then it disappears. Why is that? Has anyone else this issue? Any solution? Thanks! I...

Hello everyone I tried using this module and no matter what I do or try it won’t work. Can anyone tell me how to get it to work. Thank you.

Hi, I tried `useBeaufort: false, useKMPHWind: true` But the KMPH wind seams to be wrong. The number changed if I swith from baufort to KMPH, but the value is not...
