CleanRL.jl copied to clipboard
Simple single file implementations of Reinforcement Learning algorithms in Julia
Simple single file implementations of Reinforcement Learning algorithms in Julia.
Inspired by CleanRL
TODO (Algorithms):
- ~~Simple DQN~~
- ~~A2C~~
- Rainbow
- ~~PPO~~
- ~~DDPG~~
TODO (Utils):
- ~~General replay buffer~~
- ~~CLI for hyperparameters~~
- ~~Support loggers~~
- GPU training
- ~~Multi-thread PPO~~
- Vectorized envs
- ~~Plotting~~
- ~~Multi-loggers (file/console/Tensorboard)~~
- ~~Make nn inputs F32 - F32 env wrapper?~~ - done for PPO
- Make individual file runners e.g experiments/run_ppo.(jl/sh)
- Better logging - log interval and always log at correct step
TODO (Investigate):
- Profile PPO