Sascha Timme

Results 25 comments of Sascha Timme

Double precision floating point range is only up to around 10^308. So even just squaring a coordinate in your case would result in an overflow (`inf`). Can you rescale your...

The problem is that the Jacobian of your system at the given solution and `u_` does not have full rank ```julia julia> svdvals(jacobian(F, pt, u_)) 20-element Vector{Float64}: 51.9256162568611 25.6244168604164 14.839201646797381...

I think the approach would still be the same, i.e., you "just" need to evaluate the nonlinear system defined with ModelingToolkit at `(hc_vars, hc_params)`. I would expect that MT has...

Yes, some sort of special handling for determinants would be really nice but it is definitely not trivial to integrate it into our symbolics pipeline. Right now every symbolic function...

Using Symbolics.jl would allow some niceties like evaluating arbitrary Julia types with the symbolic engine (with symengine we can only do the symengine supported ones). Also based on Symbolics.jl /...