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Firmware for ESP8266/ESP32 and IoT devices


Firmware for ESP8266/ESP32 and IoT devices

Most plugins require major updates after adding support for ESP32 and won't work with version 0.0.6

The firmware offers a plugin interface to easily extend its functionality. The plugins can be configured via web interface and have access to the network, file system, logging, serial console, I2C bus, GPIO, GPIO expanders, EEPROM, improved and stable internal ADC, RTC memory access, a (more or less) precise RTC during deep sleep, a maximum of 30 days deep sleep, an event/task scheduler, direct access to flash storage (copy on write) without file system overhead, crash logs with stack traces, etc... via API functions. Support for deep sleep, quick boot (~37ms) and WiFi Quick Connect (<230ms) after wake up is also available

Required flash size


1M with most features activated, no OTA updates
2M with OTA


4M and 8M with OTA

OTA for 4M is work in progress


UPDATE: First version with support for ESP32 with Arduino Core 2.0.0 is working, but not stable yet.

SPIFFS has been replaced with LittleFS starting with version

Starting with version 0.0.5, a modified Arduino framework is being used.

Version 0.0.7 (master)

Version 0.0.6

Version 0.0.5

Version 0.0.4

Version 0.0.3

Version 0.0.2

Stable versions

Currently the master branch is stable, but one project is not up-to-date

Remote Control - Version


  • Visual Studio Code for Windows or Linux
  • PlatformIO 6.1.4 (Linux compiles way faster, see
  • WSL2 Virtual Linux and WSL remote extension. Speeds up compiling with many cores by 10-30%
  • See Building the VFS for more requirements


  • GCC 10.x
  • Arduino Core 3.x with modified WString class

Since this device has not enough memory and CPU power, a SSL webserver is not possible for most environments. To secure a connection, use haproxy with a certificate from Something like * and redirect all traffic to the devices. Like to, Like to, etc...

The modified version of the core is available on github and used by default

System Info
Hardware ESP8266 4.00MB Flash, 80 Mhz, Free RAM 22.56KB
Software KFC FW 0.0.5 Build 9509.3.0.2-17-g5266f22b-dev Aug 17 2021 18:12:25
Framework Arduino ESP8266 3.0.1-dev 3.0.2-17-g5266f22b 0x5266f22b
SDK 2.2.2-dev(38a443e)
Core 3.0.2-17-g5266f22b=30002017
lwIP STABLE-2_1_2_RELEASE/glue:1.2-48-g7421258/BearSSL:6105635


  • GCC 8.x with gnu++17
  • Arduino Core 2.x with modified WString class and ESP8266 compatibility extensions

The modified version of the core is available on github and used by default. framework-arduinoespressif32#feature/arduino-upstream is used in order to get the GCC 8.x toolchain instead of 5.x

System Info
Hardware ESP32 4.00MB Flash, 240 Mhz, Free RAM 154.59KB, Temperature 36.7°C
Software KFC FW 0.0.5 Build 9681 Aug 22 2021 18:18:35
ESP-IDF Version v4.4-dev-2313-gc69f0ec32
Framework Arduino ESP32 2.0.0



Send messages to a syslog server via UDP, TCP and TLS


Framework to build WebUIs with bootstrap and store them mostly compressed in a virtual file system. Combined with server side includes, complex dynamic web pages/forms with a low memory footprint can be created

Building the VFS

Following software is required to build the virtual file system. Compatible versions might work as well, the listed ones have been tested...

  • Java JRE 8 / openjdk-18-jre-headless
  • NodeJS v12 or v16
  • Install uglify-js (3.15.3) using npm install uglify-js inside the project directory. For linux create a symlink sudo ln -s $(pwd)/node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs /usr/bin/uglifyjs
  • PHP 7.4.x (8.x is not supported yet)
  • mklittlefs - If it is not being installed automatically, run pio pkg install -t platformio/tool-mklittlefs

Executables must be in PATH. If you have PHP 8.x, install PHP 7.x from source and export PHPEXE=/home/sascha/Desktop/php-7.4.30/sapi/cli/php. For Windows, create an environment variable PHPEXE pointing to php.exe

More details about binaries can be found/changed in lib/KFCWebBuilder/KFCWebBuilder.json


~~Read only file system with long filename support, optimized for low memory environments~~ Due to constantly changing file system implementations of the Arduno frameworks currently replaced with long filename support on top of LittleFS, but no transparent access for Dir()/File() anymore. Replacement classes ListDir and FSWrapper.

Support for overriding read only files by uploading to a special directory.


Library to read streamed JSON documents and create JSON streams with small buffer size


Platform indepentend timer, scheduler with prioritized queue, WiFi callbacks and loop functions with basic support for calculating load average


Detect crashes and offer safe mode by pressing reset button during boot, count number of resets for extended functionality (reset configuration, open public hotspot etc...) It also offers a RTC memory mananger to store data identified by an unqiue id and crc check


Library to handle configurations stored in the EEPROM, read on demand to save memory, manage changes in structure automatically, export and import configuration as JSON


Library to handle RESTful APIs using asyncHTTPrequest/KFCJson


Support for push buttons with debouncing and rotary encoders using interrupts


Support for capacitive touchpads using the MPR121 sensor. With gestures detection


AT Mode

Configure and control the device with AT commands via serial interface or WebUI

MQTT Client

MQTT Client with API to easily add components that work with Home Assistant, as well as auto discovery

SSDP auto discovery

Shows up as device and links to the WebUI

MDNS auto disovery with zeroconf support

MDNS discovery and zeroconf support for MQTT, Syslog and Home Assistant


Serial console access over the WebUI using web sockets


Serial console redirection via TCP in client or server mode


Fully asynchronous STK500v1 programmer over WiFi, serial or web server upload...

RF24 Master

Secure communication (no encryption though) with NRF24L01+ modules. Support for multiple channels/6 devices per channel.

NTP Client

NTP Client with timezone support


Send log messages to a syslog server via TCP/UDP

Ping Monitor

Ping remote hosts over the WebUI and run background ping statistics

I2C Scanner

Scan GPIO pins for I2C devices


Plugin for different sensors. Supply Voltage/Battery with charging indicator, BME280, BME680, CCS811, HLW8012, LM75A, DS3231, INA219, DHT11, DHT22, AM2301 and system metrics. Support for native WebUI and MQTT.


Plugin for relays and other devices connected to GPIO pins, for example Sonoff basic. Support for native WebUI and MQTT.


Plugin for up to 10 different alarms, single alarm or repeated on daily basis.


Plugin for my WS2812 Based 7 Segment Clocks


EasyEDA 7-Segment WiFi Display

EasyEDA WS2812 WiFi Controller

It includes a python tool to generate a translation table to address any 7 segment display.

LED Matrix

Plugin based on the clock plugin to control a WS2812 LED matrix or LED string. The plugin is using FastLED and supports all the available LED types. Support for motion detection sensors, LED power limit and temperature protection. A maximum of 1024 LEDs are supported.

Compatible with my EasyEDA WS2812 WiFi Controller


Plugin to control my trailing edge WiFi dimmer with energy monitor

ATmega328P Firmware - Trailing Edge Dimmer

EasyEDA 4-Channel Dimmer with Power Monitor

EasyEDA 1-Channel in-wall or plugin dimmer with Power Monitor

EasyEDA Control Module for 1-Channel Dimmer

Blinds Controller

Plugin for my 2 channel blinds controller


EasyEDA Blinds Controller

WiFi Remote Control

Plugin for my 4 button ultra low power WiFi remote control. 16.5µA standby, 250ms wakeup time to send first UDP packets and 300ms for a fully established MQTT session with QoS. Supports MQTT / Homeassistant Device Triggers and UDP packets.


EasyEDA 4Channel Remote Control

Weather Station

Weather Station for TFT displays with API. Live remote view over WebUI and screenshots in .BMP format


EasyEDA Weather Station

File Manager

WebUI to explore and modify LittleFS and KFCVirtualFileSystem


Store crash logs with checksum of the firmware, version and other details directly on flash memory. Does not allocate any memory and uses copy on write to ensure no data is lost. WebUI to review crash reports and download stack traces. The OTA tool supports archiving .ELF files that were uploaded, including file system images and configuration files/git revision...

Required third party libraries




Arduino Cryptography Library

AsyncMqttClient (MQTT plugin)


AsyncWebSocket (Http2Serial plugin)


AsyncPing (Ping Monitor plugin)

~~### RF24 (RF24 Master)~~


FastLED (Clock plugin)



ESP32 Simple Service Discovery

Adafruit Libraries (Various plugins)











Rotary encoder handler for arduino. v1.1
