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ISLisp interpreter/compiler
Suppose I write the following `test.lsp` and run it with `eisl -l test.lsp`: ```lisp (defmodule util (defclass () ((size :accessor rect-size :initarg size))) ) ``` I get the following error:...
It's common for Lisp/Scheme implementations to use configure/make scripts to tell where the library directory is. CHICKEN Scheme for example generates `chicken-defaults.h` containing this information. It can then be used...
I am making tcl/tk library so that you can make simple games.
It seems that eisl only allows having one library directory. When I install it system-wide, it relies on me setting `EASY_ISLISP` to import libraries from it (see https://github.com/sasagawa888/eisl/issues/199 for an...
Can you expose `formatter.lsp` as a standalone program, runnable as a Unix shell command? Something like: `eislformat < unformatted-code.lsp > formatted-code.lsp` with error/warning messages to stderr. If it supports formatting...
Edlis cannot display well with UTF8 3-byte characters such as Thai and Nepali.
Edlis editor crashes when there is input in Unicode characters that exceed the width of the terminal.
The ```Installation``` section should include this information.
Hello @sasagawa888 First of all, thanks for this amazing project, I really had a lot of fun hacking with it, the source code is commented and easy to follow. The...
sorry, I don’t have much time - and I yet have to try out eisl - but I regularly follow your blog posts (on medium): concerning your lastest one there...