J. Eckert
J. Eckert
Amusing, I was literally going to make this same change tonight, and thought to glance here and lo and behold, LOL
If you're willing to do some cleanup work on it for the greater good, I'll go chat with @dustinblackman. Given my background, and the fact he knows me, I'm hoping...
I spoke to him briefly back when I checked in, he's keen on the idea of opening up support to others like me to help approve and merge in community...
I just tested and can confirm that manual removal of a healthy peer works just fine, so whatever is affecting this must be unique to them being stale. I do...
thanks, not sure how much more that log info will help but at least we gave it a shot to see what it shared! I'll float this around with some...
Are you running on the default port? If so try removing the port line. I don't use it myself and am on default.. I did try adding the line to...
Actually I think this might be because "port" is not declared in the config.yaml that is used as a validator? try this fork of mine: https://github.com/sargonas/rtlamr2mqtt (or change the config.yaml...
I can see valid arguments both for and against this being a core feature vs a plugin. With that in mind, have you seen the "Camera Settings" plugin? https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins/camerasettings/ It's...
as an authelia user, a +1 from me to, to simply these types of integrations via OIDC!
Checking in on this one since it's been about 11 days? Just trying to get a sense on if I am doing something wrong, or if it is not working...