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Documentation not in the repository
Documentation isn't the repository neither as file or as github wiki page, pretty much all the useful stuff is in the forum thread.
Bumping this. Documentation is still horribly out of date. Gathering all the so-called "useful stuff" would require a lot of digging at this point.
Not only is the main documentation lacking, it seems to be wrong in some cases. For instance, some examples on the main documentation lists multiple HAS strings as part of the search (such as PART[]:Has[]:HAS[]:HAS[]. . . ), but one warning I'm getting repeatedly from multiple different mods reads "more than one :HAS tag detected, ignoring all but the first...".
This is also the case for multiple "NEEDS" statements. In fact, looking at it this seems to be a problem for any repeated requirements or searches. It is unclear weather all the filters are being applied or if the mod makers are just getting lucky.