StAC-tf2 copied to clipboard
Players failing to authenticate with steam
Hello, I'm running a retry on restart plugin that seems to be conflicting with StAC When the server is restarted, players that automatically connect are not verified through steam and have their steamID reported as "STEAM_ID_STOP_IGNORING_RETVALS" through client console, which the server also seems to be working off of; ex for bans it will report the steamID as the above which naturally is an issue It's worth noting the server console status command will report the correct uniqueid, but the client console will not
Sydney — 04/05/2024 6:58 PM code for that plug-in looks innocent, though I didn’t know about _restart as I use quit; does that behave differently?
sappho — Yesterday at 4:12 PM i dont know if this is a stac issue frankly stop ignoring retvals is a sourcemod thing i dont know how that would end up in client console
@Wheretf2 Run version; plugin_print; meta version; meta list; sm version; sm exts list; sm plugins list
in server console and post output here please. But first, let me know if this is still an issue with 6.1.4. Ty
Tested with 6.1.4, issue persists
Build Label: 8622567 # Uniquely identifies each build
Network PatchVersion: 8622567 # Determines client and server compatibility
Protocol version: 24 # High level network protocol version
Server version: 8622567
Server AppID: 232250
Loaded plugins:
0: "Metamod:Source 2.0.0-dev+1284"
Metamod:Source Version Information
Metamod:Source version 2.0.0-dev+1284
Plugin interface version: 16:14
SourceHook version: 5:5
Loaded As: Valve Server Plugin
Compiled on: Mar 6 2024 19:17:22
Built from:
Build ID: 1284:9fbe7f3
SourceMod Version Information:
SourceMod Version:
SourcePawn Engine:, jit-x86 (build
SourcePawn API: v1 = 5, v2 = 16
Compiled on: Mar 20 2024 17:14:43
Built from:
Build ID: 7114:dbec0b16
sm exts list
[SM] Displaying 22 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater ( Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet ( Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] sigsegv MvM (Nov 19 2023): sigsegv's Mann vs Machine mods
[04] Accelerator (2.5.0): SRCDS Crash Handler
[05] TF2Items (1.6.3): TF2 Item Modifier
[06] Console Cleaner (1.3.0): Console warning suppressor
[07] Execute String Command hook ( Execute String Command hook
[08] SMRCon (1.2.1): Tools for SM plugins to interact with rcon auth and requests
[09] BinTools ( Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[10] TF2 Tools ( TF2 extended functionality
[11] SDK Hooks ( Source SDK Hooks
[12] SDK Tools ( Source SDK Tools
[13] Top Menus ( Creates sorted nested menus
[14] GeoIP ( Geographical IP information
[15] Client Preferences ( Saves client preference settings
[16] MySQL-DBI ( MySQL driver implementation for DBI
[17] SteamWorks Extension (1.2.4): Exposes SteamWorks functions to Developers
[18] Connect (1.2.1): Forward for early connection
[19] Conplex (May 24 2017): RCon Multiplexer
[20] DHooks ( Dynamic Hooks
[21] Regex ( Provides regex natives for plugins
[22] SourceTV Manager (1.2): Interface to interact with the SourceTV server.
meta list
Listing 11 plugins:
[01] SourceMod ( by AlliedModders LLC
[02] sigsegv MvM (Nov 19 2023) by sigsegv
[03] TF2Items (1.6.3) by Asherkin & AzuiSleet & Damizean
[04] SMRCon (1.2.1) by psychonic
[05] TF2 Tools ( by AlliedModders LLC
[06] SDK Hooks ( by AlliedModders LLC
[07] SDK Tools ( by AlliedModders LLC
[08] SteamWorks Extension (1.2.4) by Kyle Sanderson
[09] Connect (1.2.1) by Asher "asherkin" Baker
[10] DHooks ( by AlliedModders LLC
[11] SourceTV Manager (1.2) by Peace-Maker
sm plugins list
[SM] Listing 10 plugins:
01 "[ANY] Connect Log" (1.0.0) by caxanga334
02 "Basic Comm Control" ( by AlliedModders LLC
03 "Basic Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
04 "PlayersList [dimic's mod]" (0.4 dmt (1.0h)) by O!KAK & dimic & hleV
05 "Basic Info Triggers" ( by AlliedModders LLC
06 "Player Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
07 "Steph's AntiCheat [StAC]" (6.1.4) by
08 "Retry On Restart" (1.2) by Franc1sco franug & Derek D. Howard
09 "Basic Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
10 "Admin Menu" ( by AlliedModders LLC
Thank you!
Unload SMRCon
(which is no longer needed or useful as far as I know) and sigmod (which I'm pretty sure has a similar hook to Connect), and see if this still persists. Also, SourceMod 1.12 isn't stable, and could definitely be causing problems as well.
Sorry for the delay, but wanted to update this issue that the conflict was related to "[09] Connect (1.2.1) by Asher "asherkin" Baker" Updating to 1.2.0 resolved the issue
Thank you!
@Wheretf2 you mean 1.4.0? this issue should be fixed with stac 6.1.5, which updates connect as well