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Cannot connect with https SLL
I want to connect with https SLL when I execute commands that can't work sudo docker run -d --name=cloud9 --net=host -v/ volume2/docker:/workspace -v/ Volume2/docker/ssl:/certs -v /volume2/docker/cloud9/.c9/user.settings:/root/.c9/user.settings -p 8181:8181 sapk/cloud9:latest --auth admin:1234567 --ssl --sslcert/certs/certificate.pem --sslkey /certs/keyfile.pem Can you help me?
Hi, sorry for the late response. The flags --ssl and --sslkey doesn't seems to be in the cloud9 docs anymore. I can only recommend you to use something to do the SSL/TLS proxy like traefik, caddy, nginx, ... in front of cloud9.