grunt-bower-concat copied to clipboard
Bootstrap Update Breaks Things
Hey guys, a bootstrap update that got released a few hours ago is causing this to break. Bootstrap is no longer being added to the destination files when bower-concat is run.
Here's the update which I think is the culprit:
They removed dist/css/bootstrap.css from their main files.
Thanks, James
Having the same issue, seems to be breaking wire-dep as well.
bower_concat: {
main: {
dest: 'public/lib/build.js',
cssDest: 'public/lib/build.css',
mainFiles: {
bootstrap: 'dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'
Here's a work around for the time being in my Gruntfile.js. Inside of 'main' I added 'mainFiles' to indicate a specific file to search for.
Relevant Issues:
@james-logan thanks for the workaround, but I think the js should be included as well if this is supposed to work as before the broken update:
mainFiles: {
bootstrap: [ 'dist/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'dist/js/bootstrap.min.js' ]
One might want to include the glyph fonts too, since: was also made without a version bump.