Santiago Badia
Santiago Badia
Instead, when using the DAE machinery ```julia f_iip = DAEFunction{false}(residual;jac=jacobian) prob_iip = DAEProblem{false}(f_iip,u0,tspan) sol_iip = solve(prob_iip, ImplicitEuler(), reltol=1e-8, abstol=1e-8) ``` it returns an error saying that `ImplicitEuler` is an ODE...
The issue is a little bit old, please take a look at this post It must be `ODEProblem{true}` where `true` means `inplace` but the tutorial does not apply to...
Dear @ChrisRackauckas Thanks a lot for you reply! And sorry for the huge delay answering. I have followed your suggestions, and created a driver in a branch in which I...
I have worked a little bit on the driver that makes use of `Sundials` in this [file]( I have found a couple of issues 1) related to `jac_prototype` (when I...
Hi @kanav99 Please take a look at this test When I pass `jac_prototype` it gets stuck.
I pass a `SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64}`, which is `J` in the code.
Let us assume that I have a nonlinear problem `A(t,u,u') = 0`, and I can provide `∂A/∂u` and `∂A/∂(u')` or `∂A/∂u + γ*∂A/∂(u')`, where γ represents `d(Δₜ u)/du`, with `Δₜ`...
Yes, I will do it and let you know.
@kanav99 are working on this [file]( I cannot reproduce the error you mention. Everything is dim correct. If you play with `n` (number cells per dim in 2D square heat...
Ok, @kanav99 I have cleaned things up. I would say that with the methods I provide you could use play with `DifferentialEquations.jl` solvers. You can see the different methods being...