react-input-mask copied to clipboard
Any length of letters?
How to just filter anything except letters and set ANY length?
mask= "a"
- Only one letter
mask = "aaaaaaaaaa"
- Only ten letters etc
Is it possible to set any length of letters?
Something like: ^[A-Za-záàâãéèêíïóôõöúçñÁÀÂÃÉÈÍÏÓÔÕÖÚÇÑ0-9]+$
Thank you!
I have the same doubt, anything new about this???
<MaskedInput mask={Array.from({ length: 43 }, () => /^[А-я-і-ї-І-Ї-0-9 .']$/)} maskPlaceholder="" /> It's work for me
Thanks for the replies, but I think none of them are really answering the question. The original question is if there is a way to require only letters without having to set strict length set to the mask. Like in the regex below:
Defining long-length masks as a way to support multiple lengths is a workaround.
I have the same question, but from I've been reading upon I am afraid this library doesn't support dynamic lengths 😞