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Awesome list of WatchKit sample apps, tutorials and resources

Awesome WatchKit sample apps & tutorials

A curated list of the best, in-depth WatchKit tutorials that explain key concepts and provide sample code.

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  1. Calculator

Tutorial for building an awesome calculator from scratch (Swift).


  1. Lister

List app that synchronizes data between Watch app and containing iPhone app (Objective-C).


  1. Bitcoin Tracker

Bitcoin price tracking app.

Bitcoin Tracker

  1. Cherry

Mini Pomodoro Timer app designed for the  Watch (Swift).


  1. Guess Game

Simple game to learn how to use different UI elements on Watch (Swift).

Guess Game

  1. Weather

Queries user location, retrieves weather data from an api and displays on the Watch (Swift).


  1. Shared Core Data

To-Do list type app that uses shared core data storage between WatchKit and iPhone app (Swift).

Shared Core Data

  1. WatchPic

Instagram for  Watch (Objective-C).


  1. Watch Ring Generator

iOS app to generate series of PNG images, to be used in WatchKit apps (Objective-C).

Watch Ring Generator

  1. KFWatchKitAnimations

KFWatchKitAnimations creates beautiful 60 FPS animations for  Watch by recording animations from the iOS Simulator (Swift).


  1. IGInterfaceDataTable

IGInterfaceDataTable is a category on WKInterfaceTable that makes configuring tables with multi-dimensional data easier.


  1. Radial Bar Chart Generator

Generates radial bar images for your Watch apps.

Radial Bar Chart Generator

  1. WatchKit FAQ

Excellent collection of WatchKit FAQs.

WatchKit FAQ

  1. Five Minute WatchKit

Quick, easy-to-digest advice on all aspects of  Watch app design & development in < 5 minutes.

Five Minute WatchKit

  1. WWDC Parties

Aggregator of developers parties happening in San Francisco. View the parties on map, register and mark parties you’re going to take part in (Objective-C + Swift).

WWDC Parties

  1. Stock tracker

Page-Based navigation style to show the user two stock quotes (Swift).

Stock tracker

  1. Frame rate tutorial

How to animate in WatchKit apps using numbered images. Learn right from how to create the images in Photoshop to using them in Xcode.

Frame rate tutorial

  1. Maps on Apple Watch

Sample implementation of Maps API on the Watch.

Maps on Apple Watch

  1. Location-aware weather app

A basic weather app that provides a brief look at the weather in your current location.

Location-aware weather app

  1. Starburst

A collection of animated PNG sequences for use as loading indicators in your Apple Watch app.


  1. TDWatchInterfaceMenu

TDWatchInterfaceMenu provides a way to add a menu item with a block as the action handler.

  1. JBWatchActivityIndicator

An easy way to generate activity indicator images for Apple Watch.


  1. WatchKit Development Tips

Tips for Apple Watch Development with Xcode & WatchKit.

WatchKit Development Tips

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