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Sanity Studio – Rapidly configure content workspaces powered by structured content

Results 441 sanity issues
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**Describe the bug** I cannot start my studio instance on a particular document, because the `members` prop of `` is undefined, causing an error in the `useMemo` for instance here...


I have a sanity project running in a subfolder of my NextJS project. It was running fine locally then I stopped then restarted the local server with `npm run dev`...


### Description ### What to review ### Testing ### Notes for release

I've got an existing [Hydrogen]( application, and I've tried importing the `Studio` component into a client-only component. But I get an error stating: > TypeError: (intermediate value).hot.on is not a...

### Description ### What to review ### Testing ### Notes for release

If you find a security vulnerability, do NOT open an issue. Email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) instead. **Describe the bug** Sort order for date fields sorts in a seemingly random order. **To Reproduce**...

I have an array field that is automatically generated and can contain hundreds of items. It would be nice to make this field collapsible. Currently, it is possible to do...


### Description Adds translations to scheduled publishing tool. ### What to review ### Testing ### Notes for release

### Description Fixes EDX-668 By default, we explicitly add in an entry for a Normal block style. This PR adds an option to hide block styles since there is no...

### Description Adds e2e tests and some new integration tests to tasks to cover the critical paths. - e2e tests added: - Create a task from the sidebar (create new...