sanity copied to clipboard
How can I restrict access to resources only through my domain?
For instance, if I upload an image,0,1789,1364&w=800&h=610&fit=clip&auto=format , how can I ensure that the image can only be loaded from my domain and not from other domains?
On the other hand, exposing the projectId "3do82whm" and dataset "next" in the URL is highly insecure. How can this issue be addressed?
Project ID and dataset name are not considered sensitive. Images uploaded to the CDN is public, as documented here:
If you don't want documents to be publicly accessible you can make the dataset private (images will still be public, but their URLs are not easily guessable, so unless you publish them it's unlikely that anyone will find them)
If you don't want project id/dataset, content or images to be publicly accessible you need to put auth in front of your website.
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