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URLs URI validation breaks if its not the only validation rule

Open alexandereneroth opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

This works

      type: "url",
      name: "url",
      validation: (Rule) => [
        Rule.uri({ scheme: ["http", "https", "mailto", "tel"] }),

This does not work

      type: "url",
      name: "url",
      validation: (Rule) => [
        Rule.uri({ scheme: ["http", "https", "mailto", "tel"] }),
        Rule.custom(() => true),

It results in this: Screenshot 2022-05-20 at 12 34 13

Interestingly, this

      type: "url",
      name: "url",
      validation: (Rule) => [
        Rule.uri({ scheme: ["http", "https", "mailto", "tel"] }),
        Rule.custom(() => true).warning(),

Results in this: Screenshot 2022-05-20 at 12 36 00

Which versions of Sanity are you using?

@sanity/base            2.30.0 (up to date)
@sanity/cli             2.30.0 (up to date)
@sanity/core            2.30.0 (up to date)
@sanity/default-layout  2.30.0 (up to date)
@sanity/default-login   2.30.0 (up to date)
@sanity/desk-tool       2.30.0 (up to date)
@sanity/vision          2.30.0 (up to date)

Run sanity versions in the terminal and copy-paste the result here.

What operating system are you using? MacOS Monterey 12.1

Which versions of Node.js / npm are you running?

npm -v && node -v

alexandereneroth avatar May 20 '22 10:05 alexandereneroth