sanity-plugin-documents-pane icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sanity-plugin-documents-pane copied to clipboard

Display a GROQ-queried list of Documents in a View Pane


This is a Sanity Studio v3 plugin. For the v2 version, please refer to the v2-branch.

Displays the results of a GROQ query in a View Pane. With the ability to use field values in the current document as query parameters.

Incoming References


npm install --save sanity-plugin-documents-pane


yarn add sanity-plugin-documents-pane

This plugin is designed to be used as a Component inside of a View.

The example below illustrates using the current Document being used to query for all published documents that reference it.

// ./src/deskStructure.js
import DocumentsPane from 'sanity-plugin-documents-pane'

// ...all other list items

    query: `*[references($id)]`,
    params: {id: `_id`},
    options: {perspective: 'previewDrafts'},
  .title('Incoming References')

The .options() configuration works as follows:

  • query (string, required) A string defining the entire GROQ query that will select documents to list.
  • params (object or function, optional)
    • Object: a dot-notated string from the document object to a field, to use as variables in the query.
    • Function: a function that receives the various displayed, draft, and published versions of the document, and returns an object of query parameters. Return null if the parameters cannot be resolved.
  • useDraft (bool, optional, default: false) When populating the params values, it will use the published version of the document by default. Not permitted if using a function for params as the function will determine which version of the document to use.
  • debug (bool, optional, default: false) In case of an error or the query returning no documents, setting to true will display the query and params that were used.
  • initialValueTemplates (function, optional) A function that receives the various displayed, draft, and published versions of the document, and returns a list of initial value templates. These will be used to define buttons at the top of the list so users can create new related documents.
  • options (object, optional) An object of options passed to the listening query. Includes support for apiVersion and perspective.
  • duplicate (bool, optional, default: false) Enables a duplicate action in the context of the document list of the document pane. Useful for retaining existing editing context when needing to create new incoming references.

Resolving query parameters with a function and providing initial value templates

Providing a function for params allows us to modify values from the current document, for example to list references to a draft document. Providing a function for the initialValueTemplates option allows us to determine which buttons to show and what parameters will be used for the new document.

const options = {
  query: `*[_type=="post" && author._ref == $id]`,
  params: ({document}) => {
    // references will never point to a draft ID, so extract the regular ID
    const id = document.displayed._id?.replace('drafts.', '')

    // we don't have to worry about undefined parameters,
    // as the plugin will handle them and show an appropriate message
    return {id}
  initialValueTemplates: ({document}) => {
    const templates = []

    // references must point to a non-draft ID, so if using the ID in the template,
    // be sure it doesn't start with `drafts.`
    const id = document?.displayed?._id.replace('drafts.', '')
    const name = document?.displayed?.name || 'author'

    if (id) {
        // the name of the schema type that should be created (required)
        schemaType: 'post',
        // the title that should appear on the button - we can customize it (required)
        title: `New post by ${name}`,
        // the name of the template that should be used (optional)
        template: 'postWithAuthor',
        // values for parameters that can be passed to the template referenced above (optional)
        parameters: {
          authorId: id,

      // we could push more templates if needed.

    // must always return a list, even if empty
    return templates


This plugin is based on Incoming References originally written by Victoria Bergquist.


MIT-licensed. See LICENSE.

Develop & test

This plugin uses @sanity/plugin-kit with default configuration for build & watch scripts.

See Testing a plugin in Sanity Studio on how to run this plugin with hotreload in the studio.

Release new version

Run "CI & Release" workflow. Make sure to select the main branch and check "Release new version".

Semantic release will only release on configured branches, so it is safe to run release on any branch.