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Can't run multiple tests with same instance of ReusableClient

Open slavict opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

How to reproduce

import pytest
from sanic_testing.reusable import ReusableClient
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic import response

def app():
    sanic_app = Sanic("TestSanic")

    def basic(request):
        return response.text("foo")"/api/login")
    def basic(request):
        return response.text("foo")

    def basic(request):
        return response.text("foo")

    return sanic_app

def cli(app):
    cli = ReusableClient(app)
    return cli

def test_root(cli):
    with cli:
        _, response = cli.get("/")
        assert response.status == 200

def test_login(cli):
    with cli:
        _, response ="/api/login", )
        assert response.status == 200

        _, response = cli.get("/api/resources")
        assert response.status == 200

Error that I got

self = <_UnixSelectorEventLoop running=False closed=False debug=False>
future = <Task finished name='Task-18' coro=<StartupMixin.create_server() done, defined at /home/ghost/wuw2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sanic/mixins/> exception=RuntimeError('cannot reuse already awaited coroutine')>

    def run_until_complete(self, future):
        """Run until the Future is done.
        If the argument is a coroutine, it is wrapped in a Task.
        WARNING: It would be disastrous to call run_until_complete()
        with the same coroutine twice -- it would wrap it in two
        different Tasks and that can't be good.
        Return the Future's result, or raise its exception.
        new_task = not futures.isfuture(future)
        future = tasks.ensure_future(future, loop=self)
        if new_task:
            # An exception is raised if the future didn't complete, so there
            # is no need to log the "destroy pending task" message
            future._log_destroy_pending = False
            if new_task and future.done() and not future.cancelled():
                # The coroutine raised a BaseException. Consume the exception
                # to not log a warning, the caller doesn't have access to the
                # local task.
        if not future.done():
            raise RuntimeError('Event loop stopped before Future completed.')
>       return future.result()
E       RuntimeError: cannot reuse already awaited coroutine

slavict avatar Feb 05 '23 11:02 slavict

Maybe that I did't understand how to use 'ReusableClient' class in right way, If that , I will be very grateful to see more complex example in documentation or at least in tests.

slavict avatar Feb 05 '23 11:02 slavict

Maybe that I did't understand how to use 'ReusableClient' class in right way, If that , I will be very grateful to see more complex example in documentation or at least in tests.

I'll post an example here and then to the docs later today.

ahopkins avatar Feb 05 '23 14:02 ahopkins

Any update on this? I am writing tests for setting cookies, the default app.test_client doesn't work.

I try to monkey-patch the application, replacing app.test_client with ReusableTestClient, and got AttributeError: Setting variables on Sanic instances is not allowed. You s.... I know how to circumvent that as I have 2 decades of python experience (with dunder methods trick), but I don't think it's the correct way...

It worked before (sanic<=20.x.x, IIRC), basically it allows me to pass in cookies=cookies to simulate user session. see:

pyx avatar Oct 06 '23 04:10 pyx

I was able to create a ReusableTestClient fixture. My environment is sanic==23.12.1 and python3.12.

Here is how I I did this


from my_app import create_app

def config():
    return {'DEBUG': True}

def app(config):
    Sanic.test_mode = True
    return create_app(config)

def test_cli(app, event_loop):
    with ReusableClient(app, loop=event_loop) as cli:
            yield cli
            event_loop.run_until_complete(cli._session.aclose())  # close request

where event_loop is the default loop from pytest-asyncio.

There is one issue with the ReusableClient. It doesn't close the connection correctly. First it closes the server socket and only then closes the HTTP client session. This creates a deadlock as server waits for all client connections to be closed. As you can see I added a workaround solution for this.

Here is a sample how this fixture can be used


def test_auth_token_missing(test_cli):
    req, resp = test_cli.get('/api/v1/sample.png')

    assert resp.status == 401
    assert resp.json == {
        'details': 'Authentication credentials were not provided'

You can also create test client with predefined headers

def auth_cli(app, token, event_loop):
    with ReusableClient(
            client_kwargs={'headers': {'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'}}
    ) as cli:
            yield cli
            event_loop.run_until_complete(cli._session.aclose())  # close request

If you need to run something async you can use event_loop.run_until_complete wrapper for this

def test_reader_cache(app, event_loop, auth_cli):
    req, resp = auth_cli.get('/api/v1/sample.png')

    assert resp.status == 200
    assert len(app.ctx.reader.cache) == 1

    event_loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.sleep(0.4))  # make sure cleanup task has been called

    assert len(app.ctx.reader.cache) == 0

kserhii avatar Feb 02 '24 11:02 kserhii