dodona copied to clipboard
A framework for constructing keyboards and evaluating their performance with user interaction models.
Dodona is a framework for constructing keyboards and evaluating their performance with user interaction models. It makes it easy to define a model for inputting text on a keyboard and then do things like optimize the layout of the keyboard. It can be used to perform analyses like the one that led to the Dvorak keyboard but it's also very applicable to modern mobile devices.
If you've ever used T9 word, Swype, or even a phone keyboard with autocorrect then you're probably familiar with the frustrations that can arise when the device misinterprets what you're trying to say. Dodona helps you experiment with these existing input methods by rearranging letters or swapping keys in order to see how that affects things like typing speed and the rate of interpreation errors. It also lets you explore totally new mechanisms that couple any keyboard arrangement you would like with a user interaction model including patterns of touches and swipes.
As you continue on through the README we'll explore some of the basic elements and structure of the library. We hope that you find it as much fun to play with as we do!
Table of Contents
- Dependencies
- Linux Installation
- OSX Installation
- Importing the Library
- Polygons
- Building a Keyboard
- Included Keyboards
- Randomizing Keyboards
- Building Wordlists
- Accessing Wordlists
- Premade Wordlist
Input Models
- Input Vectors
- Building an Input Model
- Predefined Input Models
- Predefined Distance Measure
In order to install and use the Dodana library to fulfill your wildest keyboard analysis fantasies, you'll first need the following dependencies installed.
- CMake version 2.8 or later
- Boost C++ Libraries
- Python 3.2 or later
- FANN: Fast Artificial Neural Network Library version 2.2 (Note: this isn't necessary but is used by certain packages. It is turned off by default, to use it you will need to use a certain flag with cmake, as explained below)
- iPython (Note: this is not necessary to use the library, but it's highly recommended as a way to interact and explore the library)
*Note: it is recommended that a MacPorts or Homebrew be used to manage the dependencies on OSX.
Linux Installation
Clone the repository and compile by running
git clone
cd /PATHTO/dodona/core
cmake .
If you have FANN installed and plan on using it then you can compile the library
with it by replacing the cmake .
command above with
cmake -Dfann=ON .
Now the library is compiled and the file
is located in the parent
directory, /PATHTO/dodona/
Lastly, to use with Python the path to the /dodona
directory must be included
. You can double check this by running
If you do not see the correct path there then add it with the following command (in bash)
Where, as before, /PATHTO/
is the path leading to the /dodona/
Static Compiling
On Linux you also have the option to statically compile the library. This might be necessary if, for example, you need to create a statically linked binary that you want to run on a distributed cluster.
To do this simply run the following instead of the cmake .
command listed
cmake -Dstatic=ON .
This will create a core.a
object that will need to linked at compile time for
your desired binary.
OSX Installation
Clone the repository from github.
git clone
Open CMakeLists.txt
and edit lines 51 and 52 to point to where the appropriate
python files are located on your computer. There location depends on what
package manager, if any, you used to install them. It should look like this
But make sure that libpython3.4.dylib
and python3.4m
actually correspond to
the version of python you have. It must be version 3.2 or later.
Once this is properly configured, run the following commands.
cd /PATHTO/dodona/core
cmake .
If you have FANN installed and plan on using it then you can compile the library
with it by replacing the cmake .
command above with
cmake -Dfann=ON .
Now the library is compiled and the file
is located in the parent
directory, /PATHTO/dodona/
. However, OSX uses .dylib
files instead of .so
so you need to link them by running the following command
ln -s /PATHTO/dodona/ /PATHTO/dodona/core.dylib
Lastly, to use with Python the path to the /dodona
directory must be included
. You can double check this by running
If you do not see the correct path there then add it with the following command (in bash)
Where, as before, /PATHTO/
is the path leading to the /dodona/
*NOTE: This has not been tested on OSX 10.10 (Yosemite) yet. It should work fine assuming there weren't any major changes to the XCode developer tools
Static Compiling
Static compiling is not possible on OSX
Importing the Library
After compiling dodona it is possible to interact with it using either python or c++. If your're relatively new to the library then we recommend starting out using python and in particular, ipython. The interactivity makes it easier to explore the structure of the framework as we will be doing in this README. The following commands will import everything you need to follow along.
#a couple of ipython specific commands to setup matplotlib and numpy
%matplotlib inline
#importing the dodona framework
from dodona import core, keyboards, wordlists
Using matplotlib backend: Qt5Agg
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
The dodona framework centers around interactions with keyboards. Keyboards are simply a map of ascii characters to polygons in a 2D plane. Polygons themselves are in turn a collection of 2D vertices. We'll show a simple example of constructing a keyboard and then go into more practical examples.
Polygons can be constructed by adding the necessary vertices.
square = core.Polygon()
for x, y in [(0,0), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0)]:
square.AddVertex(x, y)
triangle = core.Polygon()
for x, y in [(2,0), (3,0), (2.5,1)]:
triangle.AddVertex(x, y)
They can also be copied and translated, which is very useful when constructing a keyboard where all of the keys share the same shape.
from copy import deepcopy
translated_square = deepcopy(square)
translated_square.Translate(0, 2)
print('The y-coordinates have been shifted by 2:\n', translated_square.VertexList())
The y-coordinates have been shifted by 2:
[(0.0, 2.0), (0.0, 3.0), (1.0, 3.0), (1.0, 2.0), (0.0, 2.0)]
You can plot a collection of polygons to getan idea of how they would look as a keyboard
keyboards.DrawPolygons([square, triangle, translated_square], figsize=(3,3))
and you can quickly check whether a point falls within a polygon
square.IsInside(0.5, 0.5)
as well as determine the extremes of each polygon
(triangle.LeftExtreme(), triangle.RightExtreme(),
triangle.BottomExtreme(), triangle.TopExtreme())
(2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0)
which will both be used later in our input models when determining how a user interacts with a key.
Building a Keyboard
To construct a keyboard from a set of polygons we simply add each polygon and assign it a corresponding ascii character.
simple_keyboard = core.Keyboard()
simple_keyboard.AddKey("a", translated_square)
simple_keyboard.AddKey("b", square)
simple_keyboard.AddKey("c", triangle)
We can draw the result as a keyboard, rather than just a collection of polygons, to see each key labeled according to it's corresponding character.
keyboards.DrawKeyboard(simple_keyboard, figsize=(3,3), axis='on')
Included Keyboards
There are a handful of keyboards that you're more likely to be interested in using than our simple abc keyboard that we just made. For convenience we've included routines for constructing these common keyboards. All of these keyboards can be passed a string like 'qwertyuiopasdfghiklzxcvbnm.' to be built with a nonstandard letter arrangement, but we'll just make the defaults here.
Standard QWERTY
The commonest of common. Note that it's made with a '.' key but we choose to remove this key before plotting.
qwerty_keyboard = keyboards.MakeStandardKeyboard()
keyboards.DrawKeyboard(qwerty_keyboard, figsize=(8,4))
Dvorak Keyboard
Probably the most common alternative keyboard layout.
dvorak_keyboard = keyboards.MakeDvorakKeyboard()
keyboards.DrawKeyboard(dvorak_keyboard, figsize=(8,4), facecolor='lightpink')
T9 Keyboard
The spiritual predecessor to swipe input methods was undoubtedly T9 word. With a T9 keyboard there is inherent ambiguity due to the reduced number of keys in addition to variations in how a user inputs words.
t9_keyboard = keyboards.MakeT9Keyboard()
keyboards.DrawKeyboard(t9_keyboard, t9=True, figsize=(5,5))
Note that each square here actuall corresponds to three or four separate polygons, each with its own corresponding character label. We can check this by doing a quick test.
def print_matching_keys(keyboard, x, y):
for character, polygon in keyboard.PolygonDict().items():
if polygon.IsInside(x, y):
print('This point is inside the key for:', character)
print_matching_keys(t9_keyboard, 0, 0)
This point is inside the key for: k
This point is inside the key for: j
This point is inside the key for: l
This is our first example that really demonstrates how the library can be used to explore things outside of what we might think of as a traditional touchscreen keyboard. There's a lot of flexibility here, especially when you consider the characters as generic labels rather than letters, and we're looking forward to seeing what people come up with.
Randomizing Keyboards
We're particularly interested in seeing how different keyboard layouts affect things like typing speed or the rate of errors and so we have a couple of additional helper functions that might prove helpful. First we'll demonstrate RandomSwap which swaps some number of pairs of keys labels. This is useful for finding similar keyboards with small variations.
hexagonal_keyboard = keyboards.MakeHexagonalKeyboard()
keyboards.DrawKeyboard(hexagonal_keyboard, figsize=(8,4))
If you want a totally random arrangement of letters then you can easily do that as well.
keyboards.DrawKeyboard(hexagonal_keyboard, figsize=(8,4))
In order to simulate realistic user input it's important to have a collection of words and their corresponding frequencies. This is accomplished in dodona with wordlist objects. Wordlist objects store their information in several formats simultaneously so that all of the operations you would want to do after constructing your wordlist are as fast as possible.
Building Wordlists
The simplest way to build a wordlist is to add each word individually
short_wordlist = core.WordList()
{'pout': 1, 'pot': 1, 'twice': 2}
but if you're in a hurry to get one then we've added a helper function to parse a text file and construct a wordlist. The default behavior is to ignore anything other than the characters a-z but this can be changed by passing an alternative cleaner function.
from urllib.request import urlopen
with open('/tmp/huckfinn.txt', 'w') as f:
data = urlopen('').read()
huckfinn_wordlist = wordlists.ReadBook('/tmp/huckfinn.txt')
print('Wordlist size:', huckfinn_wordlist.Words())
Wordlist size: 7866
And you can also merge wordlists by adding them.
huckfinn_wordlist = huckfinn_wordlist + short_wordlist
Accessing Wordlists
One way to access words is by index. The words are automatically sorted by their number of occurances so that the lowest indices will correspond to the most common words.
for i in range(5):
word = huckfinn_wordlist.Word(i)
frequency = huckfinn_wordlist.Occurances(word)/huckfinn_wordlist.TotalOccurances()
print('{:8s}: {:.5f}'.format(word, frequency))
and : 0.05526
the : 0.04414
i : 0.02813
a : 0.02627
to : 0.02624
Often when simulating user interactions it's convenient to pick random words based on their frequency in the corpus.
for i in range(5):
word = huckfinn_wordlist.RandomWord()
frequency = huckfinn_wordlist.Occurances(word)/huckfinn_wordlist.TotalOccurances()
print('{:8s}: {:.5f}'.format(word, frequency))
away : 0.00159
under : 0.00075
and : 0.05526
nobody : 0.00067
them : 0.00449
A slightly more exotic way to find words in a wordlist is based on substring matching. To illustrate this concept imagine swiping your finder continuously on your keyboard from the letter p to the letter t. As you do this you go over the sequence of letters 'poiuyt'. The wordlist can then recursively search it's radix tree representation to find words contained within this string (by default the first and last letters have to also match).
['pout', 'pot', 'put']
If you now think about how you would swipe along the keyboard if you were trying to spell out one of these words you'll see that they would all produce the same sequence 'poiuyt'. This method of accessing words can be very helpful when we're trying to figure out what somebody intended to write when they swipe a pattern.
Premade Wordlist
You can also download our premade wordlist. The initial source of word frequency data was the Google Web Trillion Word Corpus as compiled by Peter Norvig. This dictionary contains approximately 300,000 of the most commonly used words in the English language and their frequencies. However, more than half of the entries are misspelled words and abbreviations. Our final dictionary only contained words from the Google Web Trillion Word Corpus that also occurred in the Official Scrabble Dictionary, the Most Common Boys/Girls Names, or WinEdt’s US Dictionary. The result is a dictionary containing 95,881 English words and their frequencies.
Input Models
Input models are used to describe how a user interacts with a touch keyboard to enter information. We'll go into them in a little more depth in just a minute but first we'll discuss briefly how we represent user inputs.
Input Vectors
The input from a user trying to enter a word is represented by an object called in input vector. An input vector is essentially a series of 2D spatial coordinates coupled with a time. This corresponds to a series of touch events on a touchscreen and can be used to either describe independent touch events or a continuous swipe event through discrete time sampling of the motion.
Building Input Vectors
Here's an example of how to construct an input vector that corresponds to a series of touch events spelling out the word 'cat'.
def build_inputvector(word, keyboard, bias=(0,0), randomness=(0,0)):
inputvector = core.InputVector()
for time, letter in enumerate(word):
polygon = keyboard.GetKey(letter)
x = bias[0] + (polygon.LeftExtreme() + polygon.RightExtreme())/2
y = bias[1] + (polygon.BottomExtreme() + polygon.TopExtreme())/2
x += (np.random.normal(0, randomness[0]) if randomness[0] > 0 else 0)
y += (np.random.normal(0, randomness[1]) if randomness[1] > 0 else 0)
inputvector.AddPoint(x, y, time)
return inputvector
inputvector = build_inputvector("cat", qwerty_keyboard, bias=(0,-0.3))
keyboards.DrawKeyboard(qwerty_keyboard, inputvector=inputvector, figsize=(8,4))
Comparing Input Vectors
When trying to understand what word a user intended to input it can be helpful to have a way to quantify how similar input vectors are. The simplest way to do this is just taking the cartesian distance between corresponding points in two input vectors. We have some of these baked into our included models but here's an idea of how they work.
def cartesian_distance(vector1, vector2):
length = vector1.Length()
if vector2.Length() != length:
return float('inf')
distance = 0
for i in range(length):
distance += (vector1.X(i) - vector2.X(i)**2)
distance += (vector1.Y(i) - vector2.Y(i)**2)
return np.sqrt(distance)
Building an Input Model
All input models have to inherit from the InputModel and then implement a couple
of key functions but after that they can be used anywhere in the dodona
framework: even if you implement the functions in python rather than c++.
Two of the most important functions that each input model needs to have is the
and PerfectVector()
returns, as you would imagine, a random input vector for a
given word on a given keyboard. This allows the model to incorporate the
inexact nature of typing on a touchscreen.
returns a "perfect" input vector, which means that each touch
entry associated with a letter is positioned exactly at the center of each key.
This means that each word has one unique perfect vector for a given keyboard
layout. This is useful for developing standardized distance measures.
and VectorDistance()
then let us know how similar a word and
input vector two input vectors are.
Here's a quick example using what we just learned about input vectors to create
a new InputModel
class TouchModel(core.InputModel):
def __init__(self, bias=(0.25, 0.25), randomness = (0.25, 0.25)):
core.InputModel.__init__(self) #this line is crucial!
self.bias = bias
self.randomness = randomness
def RandomVector(self, word, keyboard):
return build_inputvector(word, keyboard, self.bias, self.randomness)
def PerfectVector(self, word, keyboard):
return build_inputvector(word, keyboard, (0, 0), (0, 0))
def VectorDistance(self, vector1, vector2):
return cartesian_distance(vector1, vector2)
def Distance(self, vector1, word, keyboard):
return self.VectorDistance(vector1, self.PerfectVector(word, keyboard))
touch_model = TouchModel()
Predefined Input Models
In order to model text input a touchscreen keyboard we have developed a couple
of input models which we consider to be generally useful. For our tap typing
bretheren there is the SimpleGaussianModel
class, which draws discrete points
from a 2D Gaussian distribution centered on each key in the input word. This
model is essentially identically to the TouchModel we demonstrated above. For
swipe input there is the SimpleInterpolationModel
class, which uses the
SimpleGaussianModel class to generate control points around each letter in the
input word. It then interpolates between the control points based on a
predetermined interpolation.
Examples of how to use the predefined input models are shown below.
As described above, this model is intended to be used to model tap typing input. For each letter in a word a coordinate is generated cooresponding to the position of a likely touch event. The coordinates are drawn randomly from a 2D Gaussian distribution centered around the center of each key. Some important parameters are listed below.
The width of this distribution in the x and y direction are the two most important parameters for this model. The widths are normalized so that a value of 1.0 corresponds to the width of the key. These are set using the
functions or by setting them both to the same value withSetScale()
By default the positions of the input for each successive keys are assumed to be independent random variables. However, a correlation can be introduced by setting the correlation coefficient.
The seed for the random number generator can also be set by hand to ensure reproducability.
An example of how to initialize and use this model is shown below.
touch_model = core.SimpleGaussianModel()
#set x and y scales simultaneiously...
#or indidually
#set the correlation between successive points
Now we can create some input vectors from our model using the RandomVector()
and PerfectVector()
methods of the SimpleGaussianModel
word = 'tylenol'
random_vector = touch_model.RandomVector(word, qwerty_keyboard)
perfect_vector = touch_model.PerfectVector(word, qwerty_keyboard)
Now we can plot the results! The order of the key input is indicated by the color, yellowish to start and magenta at the end. This is determined by the timing information in the input vector.
keyboards.DrawKeyboard(qwerty_keyboard, inputvector=random_vector, figsize=(8,4))
The perfect vector would look similar but the points would be in exactly the center of each corresponding see (making them a little bit harder to see).
The SimpleInterpolationModel
is very similar to the SimpleGaussianModel
except that it interpolates between the individual keys to produce a swipe-like
input vector. Some important parameters are listed below.
- The
determines how many interpolation points are included in each swipe input. This number is normalized for every input vector regardless of the length of the word. -
determines which interpolatin technique is used and can be set to any predefined function contained in/dodona/core/inc/InputModels/Interpolation.h
An example of how to initialize and use the model is shown below.
swipe_model = core.SimpleInterpolationModel()
#determine the number of interpolation points in each input vector
#set the desired interpolation function
swipe_model.Interpolation = core.SpatialInterpolation
Now we can create some input vectors and plot the results! We will start with a basic straight line interpolation.
word = 'jones'
random_vector = swipe_model.RandomVector(word, qwerty_keyboard)
perfect_vector = swipe_model.PerfectVector(word, qwerty_keyboard)
keyboards.DrawKeyboard(qwerty_keyboard, inputvector=random_vector, figsize=(8,4))
keyboards.DrawKeyboard(qwerty_keyboard, inputvector=perfect_vector, figsize=(8,4))
We can also use a fancier interpolation to try and produce more variety in our swipe inputs.
swipe_model.Interpolation = core.CubicSplineInterpolation
random_vector = swipe_model.RandomVector(word, qwerty_keyboard)
perfect_vector = swipe_model.PerfectVector(word, qwerty_keyboard)
keyboards.DrawKeyboard(qwerty_keyboard, inputvector=random_vector, figsize=(8,4))
keyboards.DrawKeyboard(qwerty_keyboard, inputvector=perfect_vector, figsize=(8,4))
Predefined Distance Measure
Each InputModel
also has a member function called Distance()
which can be
used to compare how similar a specific swipe pattern is to the perfect vector of
a given word. The included models that we've talked about here all use the
function that we explained above but these can easily be
Let's see how similar the swipe pattern for "jones" from the previous example is to the word "tylenol".
jones_random_vector = swipe_model.RandomVector('tylenol', qwerty_keyboard)
swipe_model.Distance(jones_random_vector, 'tylenol', qwerty_keyboard)
We can then compare the above value to the distance between the input vector for "jones" and the word "jones" itself to see which word is more likely to match with the input vector.
swipe_model.Distance(jones_random_vector, 'jones', qwerty_keyboard)
We can also compare two input vectors directly by using another InputModel
member function called VectorDistance()
jones_perfect_vector = swipe_model.PerfectVector('jones', qwerty_keyboard)
swipe_model.VectorDistance(jones_random_vector, jones_perfect_vector)
From these examples we can see how we can see how we could build towards determing the best match for a word.
def best_match(model, input_vector, keyboard, wordlist):
best_distance, best_word = None, None
for i in range(wordlist.Words()):
distance = model.Distance(input_vector, wordlist.Word(i), keyboard)
if not best_word or distance < best_distance:
best_distance = distance
best_word = wordlist.Word(i)
return best_word
random_vector = swipe_model.RandomVector('agreement', qwerty_keyboard)
matched_word = best_match(swipe_model, random_vector, qwerty_keyboard, huckfinn_wordlist)
print('Agreement?', matched_word)
Agreement? agreement
Not too shabby!