blitz-jobs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
blitz-jobs copied to clipboard

The first-ever Blitz.js job board.

Blitz.js Jobs

The first-ever Blitz.js job board. This project is non-commercial, meaning that anyone can post jobs for free.

Getting Started

Run your app in the development mode.

blitz start

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Environment Variables

Ensure the .env.local file has required environment variables:

MAIL_FROM_EMAIL="[email protected]"
MAIL_FROM_NAME="Blitz.js Jobs"


The environment variable MAIL_DRIVER can be equal to one of these:

  • SMTP - Basic SMTP driver. Requires these environment variables to be set:
  • SENDGRID - Sendgrid driver. Requires these environment variables to be set:
  • PREVIEW - Browser preview driver.

Usage example:

import { mail } from "app/mail/mail"

  subject: "Please confirm your email",
  to: "[email protected]",
  view: "auth/mail/user-confirmation",
  variables: { confirmationUrl: "https://confirmation.url/" },


Blitz comes with a powerful CLI that is designed to make development easy and fast. You can install it with npm i -g blitz

  blitz [COMMAND]

  build     Create a production build
  console   Run the Blitz console REPL
  db        Run database commands
  generate  Generate new files for your Blitz project
  help      display help for blitz
  start     Start a development server
  test      Run project tests

You can read more about it on the CLI Overview documentation.

To do

Contributions and suggestions of any kind are very welcome.

Here is a list of things that need to be developed:

  • [ ] Forgot password system
  • [ ] Tests
  • [ ] Captcha (login, signup, post job)