I'm doing some issue gardening 🌱🌿 🌷 and came upon this issue. This sounds like something that should live in a plugin, or outside Bridgetown core. I'd even say it's...
Fixed in
I'm doing some issue gardening 🌱🌿 🌷 and came upon this issue. It's a good idea, but I think Bridgetown should focus on a stable core and leave things like...
I'm doing some issue gardening 🌱🌿 🌷 and came upon this issue. Maybe this is something that could live in plugins, outside Bridgetown? Important advances accessibility-wise are usually at the...
I'm doing some issue gardening 🌱🌿 🌷 and came upon this issue. I'd vote for closing it, since this likely shouldn't be in core anyway (it would be a third-party...
Seems like it would be great for a third-party plugin, but maybe not in Bridgetown Core? I'd vote for closing this issue.
The problem for every open-source project is that there are more wishes than there are contributed hours. Also, even when someone contributes a flawless patch which takes 1 second to...
@jaredcwhite Good point, I clarified my comment above. > If emoji text conversion seemed like it would receive enough potential usage, I'd be fine with adding it to core. Two...
I see the idea, but I would probably spend the time elsewhere. Bridgetown is great, but don't let the scope of the project expand too much, it'll be difficult to...
@dikshant Sounds promising! I think that's a great idea! With a senior Ruby developer dedicated to this adapter, you could really make it shine and make the overall integration flow...