> your log2 argument is obvious But I wanted to do a point :slightly_smiling_face:
Also, that list comes from [here](, a GitHub repository that aims to create the largest list of colors possible, they are not official names but color names picked by someone...
> He pointed out the link with a faily complete list of names I said that I have many entries not that all of them were publicly accepted and say...
> On the issue on which colors to include. I think a good intial point is including css and every color needed for the default themes Well, when current list...
Also, @rzerres I don't want to harass you, I only don't think this list would be here and I do not like its entries that are not standard, sorry if...
> How about prefixing them with something like "orbtk_"? This would make it clear, that it's a custom color used in OrbTk and distinguished from well known colors like css...
I made this little function for a previous project, maybe help: ```rust fn move_rect(from: &image::RgbaImage, to: &mut image::RgbaImage, fx: u32, fy: u32, fw: u32, fh: u32, tx: u32, ty: u32,...
Woah, I had no idea that crate exists, event has some nice filters to soften the image... well the original intention of my above function was to scale up certain...
Yeah, I don't see I can pass a reader to surf::Request::body, Are you thinking on put that more... explicitly on the docs?
Ok, thank you and sorry for the issue