Sander Pick
Sander Pick
This is known, related to:
I believe loopback behaves a little differently on Windows. Something like, localhost is actually the "placeholder" address ( _not_, as on mac/linux. Could be related.
By default, your vanilla Textile node won't be connected to any cafes... `textile cafes ls` reports 0 cause there really aren't any attached! You can totally run w/o a cafe,...
@TSMMark, I believe it's just an error reported back from the OS, not an exception (updated the issue description). Perhaps this lib could offer a retry?
Sorry for the confusion... by "drawer" I meant the slide out drawer _in the phone app_, not the desktop tray.
Ah yeah, I had some thoughts here this morning when I was doing the bucketing for sprints. I'd lean towards 3 actually because it's close in structure to your new...
At some point, we'll want to update/replace these user stories with the complete list in Airtable.
This may actually be required to get back to a full working state. Feeling skeptical of relying on the P2P queue for even tiny messages, just because you really want...