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👾 Sprite Kit extensions 👾
This repository offers additional node types and effects which you can use in combination with SpriteKit. In addition it provides extensions to make complicated tasks a bit easier, and improve the readability of your code.
All sources are written in Swift.
SKNode that draws specified text over multiple lines, separated per newLine character. The text typing can also be animated, meaning each character will be added after a specified interval, creating a typewriter effect.
Use public initializer:
public init(text: String,
horizontalAlignment: SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentMode = .center,
durationPerCharacter: Double = 0.05,
fontSize: CGFloat = 12,
marginVertical: CGFloat = 15.0,
fontColor: SKColor = .white,
fontName: String = "Chalkduster",
skipSpaces: Bool = true
labelWidth: CGFloat = 0.0
finishTypingOnTouch: Bool = false)
Where the text can be separated by new line characters to indicate start of new line.
Specify a specific labelWidth
to wrap all text to a specific width. MSKAnimatedLabel will create new lines where necessary.
When the specified labelWidth
is to small for a certain CharacterSequence, a fatal error is thrown.
When durationPerCharacter <= 0.0
, all lines will be drawn immediately without any animation.
When finishTypingOnTouch equals true
, all remaining lines will be drawn instantly without any animation when a user taps the label.
SKNode that draws specified text using an emitter that follows the characters outlines, over a given duration.
Use public initializer:
public init(text: String,
font: UIFont,
emitterName: String,
marginHorizontal: CGFloat = 10.0,
animationDuration: Double = 2.0,
addEmitterInterval: Double = 0.1)
Extension on SKAction allowing to create a spiraling movement. Usage:
SKAction.spiral(startRadius: radius,
endRadius: radius-50,
totalAngle: CGFloat(.pi * 2.0),
centerPoint: .zero,
duration: 1.5)
Extension on SKAction allowing to create a shake effect. NB preview as GIF is not very useful, for proper demonstration please see the example application.
SKAction.shake(shakeDuration: 0.2,
intensity: arc4random_uniform(40)+10,
duration: 3)
Extension on SKShapeNode allowing to create a node with an arrow shape. Usage:
let arrow = SKShapeNode(arrowWithFillColor: randomColor,
strokeColor: randomColor,
lineWidth: 4,
length: 100,
tailWidth: 20,
headWidth: 50,
headLength: 30)
Extension on SKTexture allowing to create a texture with a radial gradiant. Could be used for example for range nodes, indicating a creatures attack range. Usage:
let radialGradientSize = CGSize(width: 150, height: 150)
let radialGradientColors = [,,,,]
let radialGradientLocations: [CGFloat] = [0, 0.25, 0.45, 0.65, 1.0]
let radialTexture = SKTexture(radialGradientWithColors: radialGradientColors,
locations: radialGradientLocations,
size: radialGradientSize)
let radialNode = SKSpriteNode(texture: radialTexture)
SKAction+TimingMode and Array+SKAction
- Public extensions on
to add atimingMode
or for example arepeatForever
inline. - Public extensions on
to convert it inline to
let actions: [SKAction] = [.run { self.addEmitterLabel() }, .wait(forDuration: 10)]
Public functions to easily add/ subtract/ multiply/ divide Int
with CGFloat
and vice versa. Return type is of CGFloat
Tiled support
- iOS 10.3+
- Xcode 10.1+
- Swift 5+
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To integrate MoreSpriteKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
github "sanderfrenken/MoreSpriteKit" "master"
If you prefer not to use any of the aforementioned dependency managers, you can integrate the desired sources in your project manually, by adding the corresponding Swift files to your project.
We use Swiftlint from Realm to lint our code. SwiftLint has to be installed on your device.
More info can be found on SwiftLint.
Details about the specific settings for this project can be found in the .swiftlint.yml
Demo app
This project contains an application target being a demo project that demonstrates the usage of all offered functionalities.
Other information
- If you think that something is missing or would like to propose new feature, please create an issue.
- Please feel free to ⭐️ the project. This gives confidence that you like it which stimulates further development and support 🤩
Games using MoreSpriteKit
The following games are using MoreSpriteKit:
Do you use MoreSpriteKit in any of your applications? Please extend this list by making a PR!