I believe all outstanding issues here have been resolved at this point. In this last round of edits, I've added info about Public Sans for Joy UI on the Installation...
@danilo-leal I would love to get your help with some pretty visuals to accompany this post! Ideally we could have something to show for each of the products here.
@siriwatknp & @danilo-leal what would you say for the "Ideal use cases" section for Joy UI? I'm trying to think of practical ways to distinguish it from Material UI, so...
@siriwatknp & @danilo-leal let me know what you think about how I've described Joy UI in the latest draft. Following a conversation about this with @oliviertassinari, I tried to incorporate...
> Nice job! Just leaving some minor suggestions. Thanks! > I agree this should also become a part of the documentation (in addition to the blogpost). Olivier and I talked...
@danilo-leal I'd love to see what you've got in mind for visuals to accompany this! I think the text is mostly ready to go now.
Thanks for the reviews everybody! I've added one final section to the end to tie it all up nicely. Please give it a final look and let me know if...
@oliviertassinari It feels inconsistent to me to only capitalize component names in headlines. If we aren't treating them like Proper Nouns in the body of the docs, then it looks...
Following up on discussions with the Core team and on Slack, I'm going to move forward with the capitalization of MUI X component names. With that in mind I think...
Something very weird happened to this PR. 😅 I have no clue what's going on!