swift-exec icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
swift-exec copied to clipboard

:rocket: Simple process execution with Swift


Simple process execution with Swift


To use SwiftExec with the Swift Package Manager, add the following lines to your Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
	dependencies: [
		.package(url: "https://github.com/samuelmeuli/swift-exec", "0.1.0" ..< "0.2.0"),
	targets: [
			name: "MyProject",
			dependencies: [


Simple command

import SwiftExec

do {
	let result = try exec(program: "/bin/echo", arguments: ["hello", "world"])
} catch {
	print("Command failed")

Advanced output handling

import SwiftExec

var result: ExecResult
do {
	result = try exec(program: "/usr/bin/git", arguments: ["status"])
} catch {
	let error = error as! ExecError
	result = error.execResult


Bash command

import SwiftExec

var result: ExecResult
do {
	result = try execBash("git status")
} catch {
	let error = error as! ExecError
	result = error.execResult




SwiftExec provides the following functions:

  • exec(program, arguments?, options?) -> ExecResult – Invokes the specified program in a new process using the provided arguments
    • program: String – Path to the program which should be executed (e.g. "/bin/ls")
    • arguments: [String] = [] – Arguments to pass to the program
    • options: ExecOptions = ExecOptions() – See options
  • execBash(command, options?) -> ExecResult – Runs the provided command using Bash. The function calls exec internally
    • command: String – Command which should be executed using Bash (e.g. "echo 'hello world'")
    • options: ExecOptions = ExecOptions() – See options


The exec function returns an instance of ExecResult, which contains the following fields:

  • failed: Bool – Status of the executed command. It is considered to be failed if either the execution failed or the process returned a non-zero exit code
  • message: String? – Error message for failed commands. Contains stderr if a non-zero exit code is the reason for the failure
  • exitCode: Int32? – Exit code of the process that was executed
  • stdout: String?stout of the process that was executed
  • stderr: String?stderr of the process that was executed


The exec function behavior can be configured by passing in an instance of ExecOptions, with the following optional fields:

  • cwd: URL? – Current working directory of the process
  • stripFinalNewline: Bool = true – Whether to remove the final newline character from output


Suggestions and contributions are always welcome! Please discuss larger changes via issue before submitting a pull request.