Samuele Ruffino
Samuele Ruffino
Hello, really impressive work! I was wondering whether you compute BEV lanes' poins in real world/lidar coordinates for nuscenes. Because i would integrate your method with some 3d detection models,...
Hello, really amazing and super interesting work! I was wondering if you are going to publish the code to extarct safety critical scenarios from Nuscenes, since I had a similar...
I am interested in extend the PGD model with tracking capabilities (namely, I would like to run ByteTracker on 2d detections from PGD), and estimate the velocity from these tracks....
Hello! Have you also provided the code for lane detection in BEV view?
When I am running both train and test of the model on single GPU (./tools/fp16/ ./projects/configs/bevformer_fp16/ 1), I am getting this error: ``` RuntimeError: NCCL error in: ../torch/lib/c10d/ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp:911, unhandled system...
Do you have any news on lane detection for nuscenes? You mentioned that you will also include nuscenes dataset in yours. Thank you very much and really an amzing work!