git-diff-details icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
git-diff-details copied to clipboard

:atom: View git diffs directly in atom

Results 7 git-diff-details issues
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[Enter steps to reproduce:] 1. Open atom 2. wait for open a project **Atom**: 1.23.3 x64 **Electron**: 1.6.15 **OS**: Mac OS X 10.13.3 **Thrown From**: [git-diff-details]( package 1.4.0 ### Stack...

Hi, I often use gid diff details to have a look to the "original" version of the line I'm editing. I often want to rollback a line, or a portion...

Would be great if there were a few different options surrounding which point in time in the projects repo we want to display per-line diffs against. I saw in some...

Hi there, I have someone who checked in a file without adding an empty line at the end. My editor automatically adds it so I got this diff (which I...

help wanted

I know this feature from PhpStorm and you don't need to remember any keyboard shortcut. You just click on the colored thingy on the side and detail window is shown.

help wanted

Use `customElements.define` instead of `document.registerElement` see ``` HTMLDocument.registerElement (file:///C:/Users/danan/AppData/Local/atom/app-1.63.1/resources/app.asar/static/index.js:160:12) registerElement (C:\Users\danan\.atom\packages\atom-html-preview\node_modules\space-pen\lib\space-pen.js:66:88) Builder.openTag (C:\Users\danan\.atom\packages\atom-html-preview\node_modules\space-pen\lib\space-pen.js:297:27) Builder.tag (C:\Users\danan\.atom\packages\atom-html-preview\node_modules\space-pen\lib\space-pen.js:274:12) Function.div (C:\Users\danan\.atom\packages\atom-html-preview\node_modules\space-pen\lib\space-pen.js:83:49) Function.content (C:\Users\danan\.atom\packages\git-diff-details\lib\ ```

For those who are also migrating after the sunsetting of Atom :crying_cat_face: , here are some VS Code keybindings that accomplish similar behavior to `git-diff-details`. ```json { "key": "alt+g alt-d",...