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Fail to use as dependency for fabric mod
Describe the bug
- 1.11.7 version fails to build on jitpack
- version 1.11.6 on jitpack cannot be use as a dependency
- readme guide is wrong
- [x] Fabric
- [ ] Forge
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Create a fabric kotlin mod
- add following to dependencies part in build.gradle
modImplementation 'com.github.samolego.Taterzens:taterzens-common:1.11.6'
modImplementation 'com.github.samolego.Taterzens:taterzens-fabric:1.11.6'
- using in TaterzensNPC from part of code
if ((player as ITaterzenEditor).npc == null) {
// do something
Expected behavior
Supertypes of the following classes cannot be resolved. Please make sure you have the required dependencies in the classpath:
class org.samo_lego.taterzens.npc.TaterzenNPC, unresolved supertypes: net.minecraft.class_1314, net.minecraft.class_3745, net.minecraft.class_1603
mannually build and use devlibs can resolve this, don't know how to correct jitpack
I think it might be failing due to forge module.
FYI mod won't really be developed that much ... Currently I'm not planning any updates due to other life stuff.
Bump Fabric 1.20.4 I can implement up to 1.11.6, 1.11.7 is not found anywhere in the repositories