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Binance Chain Exchange API python implementation for automated trading
@sammchardy Is it available to **send coins, get balance, create address, get addresses, get transactions** using HttpRpcClient. I am running my own full node and need to have this functionality...
Can we have Python 3.5.x support for the library?
After installing the library on my environment with Python 3.5.3, I try to import the library as follows (in Python shell): `from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment` But I get this error:...
Installed through pip, running shell ``` >>> from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient >>> from binance_chain.constants import KlineInterval >>> from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment >>> testnet_env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env() >>> client = HttpApiClient(env=testnet_env) >>>...
Dear @sammchardy I saw "Wallet environment doesn't match HttpApiClient environment" issue again, but this time on main-net. ``` Python 3.6.5 (v3.6.5:f59c0932b4, Mar 28 2018, 05:52:31) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM...
@sammchardy is there a way this can be achieved in the existing code? Like query the other node in case of API rate limit breach?
Hi, I am using latest source from: `from binance_chain.wallet import Wallet from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment if __name__ == '__main__': # initialise with Testnet environment env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env() wallet =...
Hi, I am creating a new ENV and running pip install fails. These are the commands I run: `python3 -m venv ENV` `source ENV/bin/activate` `pip install --upgrade pip` `pip install...