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Getting an `window.DatArchive.load is not a function` Error

Open filipdanic opened this issue 4 years ago • 3 comments

I’m running Firefox 69.0 (64-bit) with an up-to-date version of the Add-on. When visiting my app on localhost:3000 I’m getting the error message window.DatArchive.load is not a function. (I tried running the app on a different port, didn’t change anything.)

The window.DatArchive exists and some of my functionality worked until I got to the page that uses the .load method. I should note that the app runs properly in the Beaker browser.

The setup page says everything is working fine:

    Checking helper connection

    Successfully started dat gateway at localhost:3016.
    Helper version 0.1.0 up-to-date

I even tried setting the Dat gateway Address to localhost:3016 since 3000 seems to be the default.

Visiting or trying to do a cURL on this port returns the message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of null

Let me know if there’s any other information I could provide.

filipdanic avatar Sep 17 '19 13:09 filipdanic

Looks like we're missing the DatArchive.load method in this file: https://github.com/sammacbeth/dat-fox/blob/master/common/dat-archive-rpc.js

I think this was a later addition to the API that I missed when creating this implementation.

sammacbeth avatar Sep 17 '19 13:09 sammacbeth

Seems like you’ve implemented it in dat-fox-helper: https://github.com/sammacbeth/dat-fox-helper/blob/master/src/api.js#L83

filipdanic avatar Sep 17 '19 13:09 filipdanic

This should be implemented on the helper side, so just needs the function to be added here: https://github.com/sammacbeth/dat-fox/blob/master/common/dat-archive-rpc.js

sammacbeth avatar Feb 07 '20 09:02 sammacbeth