rastertotpcl copied to clipboard
undefined reference to symbol 'cupsMarkOptions'
I'm getting this error when compiling. Looks like cupsMarkOptions is deprecated.
If i comment out that line, i find a similar issues with ppdClose and ppdFindMarkedChoice.
I commented out every deprecated function, hard coded default options, and got the CUPS test page to print.
I'm also getting this error. Any chance its going to get fixed properly?
I had the same problem with undefined reference - just had to tell gcc to add correct libs:
gcc rastertotpcl.c -lcupsimage -lcups -lm -o rastertotpcl
I got some warnings about deprecated functions, but it was compiled successfully. Then I copied rastertotpcl to /usr/libexec/cups/filter and everything works - on OSX 10.11 El Captain.
@wcale fix sorted my compilation issue under archlinuxarm. Printer is working with a Raspberry Pi 3.
How do I compile and install on Raspberry Pi 3 B+?