Sam Likins
Sam Likins
In a Python interactive session with `bashlex` version `0.18`: ```python Python 3.10.6 (main, Mar 10 2023, 10:55:28) [GCC 11.3.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information....
@Potherca, I currently have a significant number of tests that I've created for a large amount of the project (using shUnit2). Sadly got a denser workload right now, so had...
Firstly, this feature request isn't really related to this MR. This MR is for specifying a local project for the utility at the command line, while this feature request is...
@Potherca, not to spur any controversy, but I'd recommend the following (single line) command (option #2) instead: `(PREFIX=/path/to/bin; curl -sLo- | bash)` This approach keeps the `PREFIX` variable from...
@Potherca, nice thought. The `export` keyword is only used to make the specified variable(s) available in sub-process (ie: child processes). This format does the same thing as prefixing the command...
@khru, it looks like you're attempting to install BashUnit globally (not as a dependency), but I think you forgot to add the global flag. The project should have been installed...
@Chemaclass: The first thing I want to point out, is that since you added your user bin into the `PATH`, you didn't need to set `PREFIX` before the install. Secondly,...
@francescobianco: I personally would vote against that idea. A repository is a single set of files for a specific use case. Using the dependency structure, a set of required projects...
It seems a similar issue was previously reported #24.
William, BPKG does in fact have several repositories, but these are specific to BPKG. It's not our intent to duplicate and chase changes of others projects. The BPKG utility simplifies...