MSCG-Net copied to clipboard
Memory issue
Hi @samleoqh
Thank you for your release source code. It helps me a lot.
During training process, I met a problem related to memory.
The process consume a lot of memory, over 150GB RAM. I think the problem in the validate
function. Because you append all the input/output data to the inputs_all, gts_all, predictions_all
def validate(net, val_set, val_loader, criterion, optimizer, epoch, new_ep):
val_loss = AverageMeter()
inputs_all, gts_all, predictions_all = [], [], []
with torch.no_grad():
for vi, (inputs, gts) in enumerate(val_loader):
inputs, gts = inputs.cuda(), gts.cuda()
N = inputs.size(0) * inputs.size(2) * inputs.size(3)
outputs = net(inputs)
val_loss.update(criterion(outputs, gts).item(), N)
# val_loss.update(criterion(gts, outputs).item(), N)
if random.random() > train_args.save_rate:
predictions =[1].squeeze(1).squeeze(0).cpu().numpy()
update_ckpt(net, optimizer, epoch, new_ep, val_loss,
inputs_all, gts_all, predictions_all)
return val_loss, inputs_all, gts_all, predictions_all
ah, there is a bug, should move the three lines within else:
predictions =[1].squeeze(1).squeeze(0).cpu().numpy()
and the value of save_rate
is used to control what percent of val images will be appended for later visualization. I set it to 0.1 as default, it can be further lower like to be 0.001 if the number of val images is very large.
i think if you remove the line as above, maybe the source code can not run evaluate
, because they need predictions_all, gts_all, train_args.nb_classes
acc, acc_cls, mean_iu, fwavacc, f1 = evaluate(predictions_all, gts_all, train_args.nb_classes)
I think the best way to fix that is evaluate for every sample not for all val set
yes, you are right. I'd refactor the code a bit when I get some free time. I remember the reason I appended all predictions together to compute metrics, it's because each test image only contains one or two classes among 9 classes, and appending them together can get a whole/stable confusion metrics across all val images. It's also fine to evaluate one by one then average them, like the val loss.