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Retrieve Media Prima HLS manifest from Dailymotion.

Media Prima DailyMotion PHP

Retrieve Media Prima HLS manifest from Dailymotion.


  1. ~~Media Prima locked this video as private , so the metadata trick won't work.~~

(UPDATE : Dailymotion changed the method to get the manifest URL for private video , last time it was under directly the embed video page , but now they will request with the metadata url containing referer & embed hostname , the requested data is same as the normal metadata response)

  1. Georestrict rule apply to these videos , you can only use a Malaysia IP to get the HLS manifest.
  2. Github Actions will download all channels's latest token everyday from my server in Malaysia and export to here
  3. ~~WARNING : Dailymotion started to implement client's IP verification , TV3 is affected , so you might unable to watch TV3.
    The only solution is watch it via or use unifiTV~~
    Use the latest playlist to resolve this issue.
    The latest playlist will directly redirect you to Dailymotion HLS Manifest URL to generate the HLS bind with your IP Address (IPV4)
    This redirection have a rate limit , you will get 429 if you hit the rate limit.


Last Updated : 15/4/2022

Channels Resolution Frame Rate Bandwidth Platforms
TV3 1920*1080 25 2 - 5 Mbps Dailymotion
DidikTV KPM 1920*1080 25 2 - 5 Mbps Dailymotion
8TV / 八度空间 1920*1080 25 2 - 5 Mbps Dailymotion
TV9 1920*1080 25 2 - 5 Mbps Dailymotion
Drama Sangat 1920*1080 25 2 - 5 Mbps Dailymotion
Berita Harian x Buletin TV3 1920*1080 25 2 - 5 Mbps Dailymotion

How to use

Build yourself :

  1. Ensure PHP is installed on your web server , PHP 7.0 and above are recommended.
  2. Copy the PHP file to ur web server and simply run it.
  3. Create a valid M3U playlist and put this under the manifest URL For example :
// FOR OTT Navigator & VLC ONLY : 

#EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64 AppleWebKit/537.36 KHTML, like Gecko Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Safari/537.36
#EXTINF:-1 group-title="Media Prima" ch-number="108" tvg-id="108" tvg-chno="108" tvg-logo="",8TV

#EXTINF:-1 group-title="Media Prima" ch-number="108" tvg-id="108" tvg-chno="108" tvg-logo="",8TV|Referer=|User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64 AppleWebKit/537.36 KHTML, like Gecko Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Safari/537.36
  1. An example of valid M3U playlist : here

Directly use prebuilt playlist:

  1. Insert the playlist URL with any IPTV players you want (except OTT Navigator)
  2. Use for OTT Navigator ONLY.

Common Issue :

  1. 403 Error :
  • Please ensure you are using Malaysia's ISP network and not other country's ISP network.
    Media Prima geo-restricted these livestream to Malaysia only.
    Use VPN if you need to watch outside of Malaysia.
  • Clear cache of your IPTV apps and reload / update the playlist.
    This playlist will be updated each 1 hour via Github Actions.
    Always make sure to get the latest version of the playlist in order to get the validated token from Dailymotion server.
  • Use tested IPTV players (e.g: Tivimate & OTT Navigator & Kodi)
  1. Other Issue :
  • Create a issue and NOT message me through my social media about your problem

Credit :

Special thanks to @jvloo for fixing the PHP script! EPG source from : weareblahs

Screenshot :
