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Backend system for a simple banking application developed to be used as a boilerplate for best practices around developing and working with golang based API's, GORM with SQLC and PostgresSQL as a data...

A Simple Bank



  • Create and manage account
    • Owner
    • Balance
    • Currency
  • Record all balance changes for each account
    • Create an account entry for each change for each account
  • Money transfer transaction
    • Perform money transfer between 2 accounts consistently within a transaction


  • Install docker for desktop
  • Execute brew install golang-migrate sqlc
  • Execute go install github.com/golang/mock/[email protected]

Database Design

  • Design DB schema using dbdiagram.io
    • Export the queries onto /dbdiagrams.io
  • Save and share DB diagram within the team
  • Generate SQL code to create database in a target database engine i.e. postgres/MySQL/SQLServer

Docker and Postgres

  • Execute docker pull postgres:12-alpine to get the postgres image
  • Execute docker run --name postgres12 -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=root -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -d postgres:12-alpine to run the postgres container
  • Execute docker logs postgres12 to see the logs
  • Execute docker exec -it postgres12 psql -U root to connect to the postgres container and login as root user
  • Connect to postgres container and execute the queries from /dbdiagrams.io to create the tables

DB migration

  • Execute migrate -version to verify that the golang-migrate has been installed
  • Execute migrate create -ext sql -dir db/migration -seq init_schema to generate migration files
    • *.up.sql is used to migrate up to a new version using migrate up
    • *.down.sql is used to migrate down to an older version using migrate down
    • Copy the sql quesries generated from dbdiagram.io to *.up.sql
    • Add DROP TABLE queries to *.down.sql
  • Execute make migrateup to migrate data upwards to a new version
  • Execute make migratedown to revert migration to a previous version
  • Manage migrations in future with migrtion up/down commands

DB and Docker Setup for development

  • Execute make postgres to run postgres container on local docker setup
  • Execute make createdb to create the simple_bank database
  • Execute make migrateup to setup tables and initial database state
  • If required,
    • Execute make dropdb to drop database
    • Execute make migratedown to migrate or revert database state to a previous version

Generate CRUD Golang code from SQL

  • Execute make sqlc to auto generate CRUD functionalities
  • Execute make mock to generate mock DB