Samil Yalciner
Samil Yalciner
> Images that seem to be white or black have data in them. Just normalize[0 - 1], multiply it by 255, and plot it or save it. This comment is...
I also need to do that. > @maaquib, That's right, you got two models instead of one. Now imagine that the model is large. And will there be enough GPU...
You need to change directory into face_sdk. Error is about "config/logging.conf" path is not valid.
We need this feature in #1841
I've got the same error on `torch==2.1.0 `and `lightning==2.1.0` and fixed when downgrading to `pytorch_lightning==2.0.8`
EDIT: This doesn't work. Adding a curl request after torchserve start in may be a solution but not sure if it will work. I will update here after I...
Does anyone have a solution for this issue?
Problem caused by the command > torchserve --start --ts-config /home/model-server/ doesn't finish. It starts torchserve but stucks on this line and so can't send the curl request since it is...
In dockerfile, nohup torchserve --start --ts-config /home/model-server/ > log.txt & sleep 10 curl -X POST "" This may be work for you.
Make sure you have the exact version of facenet-pytorch==2.5.0 It will solve the problem