Sam Hurst
Sam Hurst
Hi Jacob, The green line on my graph indicates the targetBitrate as set by the SCReAM congestion controller. I should have specified that my testing was performed with a network-level...
Hi Ingemar, With what you say about the increased queueing delay, would a potential fix be to make the queue larger so that it covers multiple round trips? I could...
Hi Jacob, Thanks for looking into this. I've taken your changes and re-tested, and anecdotally it seems to be an improvement, but I'm still seeing a few timestamping issues on...
Hi Jacob, Yes, when I tested without scream (just rtpbin) I don't see any timestamping issues on the receiver. As far as I know, the machines aren't running out of...
Hi Jacob, I ended up trying an older version of GStreamer (1.16.3, built from source), and the timestamping problem seems to have gone away completely. I've run several test runs...
Hi Jacob, I've tried increasing the kernel buffers but that hasn't helped. I have a little utility I wrote a long time ago which analyses socket buffer residency, and the...
Hi Jacob, I don't get any complaints about clock-rate as my receiving pipeline includes a caps filter which explicitly defines the clockrate. After some additional testing I've come to the...
Hi Jacob, My sending pipeline, as used with the scream_sender application, is as follows: `export SENDPIPELINE="videotestsrc is-live=true ! video/x-raw,format=I420,width=1280,height=720,framerate=25/1 ! x264enc name=video threads=4 speed-preset=ultrafast tune=fastdecode+zerolatency bitrate=8000 ! tee name=t t....