Is it just me or is the remote chrome (on Lambda) a bit buggy? I run the same code on local and it works fine, but when I run it...
Instead of calling a.init() to login, i'm doing the following: ``` a.playerInfo.provider = provider; a.playerInfo.accessToken = accessToken; a.playerInfo.apiEndpoint = apiEndpoint; ``` where provider, accessToken, and apiEndpoint are variables saved in...
My code: ``` php class ZP_Package extends ActiveRecord\Model { static $table_name = 'packages'; static $has_many = array( array('items_packages', 'class_name'=>'ZP_Item_Package'), array('items', 'through'=>'items_packages', 'class_name'=>'ZP_Item', 'foreign_key'=>'item_id') ); } class ZP_Item extends ActiveRecord\Model {...