React_coding_round_practice copied to clipboard
⭕ practice front-end machine coding round : prerequisite html css javascript react
Technical Round Prepraction
table of content
- Stop Watch ✅
- Password Generator ✅
- Color Changing Button ✅
- Tabs Composition ✅
- Breadcrumbs ✅
- OTP Login
- Dark mode Light mode
- Selectable Grid ✅
- Progress Bar ✅
- Infinite Scroll ✅
- Search Suggestions ✅
- Holy Grail Layout ✅
- useEffect Hook Polyfill✅ 😢
- useMemo Hook Polyfill
- useThrottle Hook
- Like Button - GreatFrontEnd
- Multi-Select Search
- Comment Section using React (Recursion and DFS in React) // kuchh samajh nhi aaya 28-06-2024 😢
- Modal as a functional component
- Blink game (Rowdi Coder) ✅
- Job Board - GreatFrontEnd (Hacker News API) ✅ 😢
- Stepper Component (RoadSide Coder && Learners Bucket)
- Quiz App
- Drag and Drop Notes
- Tic Tac Toe
- Step-by-step website walk-through helper in JavaScript
- Detect overlapping circles (Learners Bucket)
Frontend Machine Coding Questions:
- Implement Star Rating functionality
- Create a reusable modal component with open and close functionality.
- Design a Pop Over component
- Create an Accordion UI component
- Build a table that supports sorting columns and filtering rows based on user input.
- Create an image carousel with next, previous, and auto-play functionality.
- Implement a counter with increment and decrement buttons and display the current count.
- Create a form with real-time validation for fields like email, password, and confirm password.
- Build a grid using HTML/CSS and JavaScript with search, sort, and event bubbling (Amazon onsite)
- Design a responsive NavBar
- Implement Infinite Scroll feature
- Develop Typeahead/Autocomplete functionality using a trie data structure
- Implement a shopping cart where users can add items, remove items, and view the total price.
- Build a Tic Tac Toe game
- Create a Snake and Ladder board game
- Make a Calendar of any month like a Date Picker
- Create custom Higher Order Functions like Map, Reduce, Filter, and Sort
- Design an analog clock
- Implement a file upload component with progress indication.
- Create a component that fetches data from an API and displays it in a list.
- Build a Todo List application
- Implement functionality to change all text on a page to different translations
- Develop a Giphy image search and display feature (using the Giphy API) in a responsive format
- Create a list where items can be reordered using drag and drop.
- Build a Connect Four game
- Implement Nested Checkboxes where parent and children checkboxes are synchronized
- Create a poll widget
- Build an auto-complete search input that suggests results as the user types by querying an API.
- Implement a resizable split pane where users can adjust the width of two panels.
- Implement a search input that debounces API calls to avoid excessive requests.
- Create an image gallery where images are lazy-loaded as they come into the viewport.
- Build a tabs component where content changes based on the selected tab.
- Implement a simple markdown editor that displays formatted text as you type.
- Create a basic chat interface with a message input, send button, and message display area.
- Implement a form that is fully accessible, including proper ARIA roles and keyboard navigation.
- Stop Watch : ✅
- Selectable Grid : ✅
- Password Generator : ✅
- Progress Bar : ✅
- Infinite Scroll : ✅
- Search Suggestions : ✅
- Color Changing Button : ✅
- Holy Grail Layout : ✅
- Tabs Composition : ✅
- useEffect Hook Polyfill✅ 😢
- Job Board - GreatFrontEnd (Hacker News API) ✅ 😢
- Blink game (Rowdi Coder) ✅