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running example using "within xx seconds"
When I run simple SQL queries like
Select approx_count(_) from table1 where A = 'xx' _within 0.1 seconds*
I run into an error: Parse Error: mismatched input 'within' expecting EOF near ''table1''
Does blinkdb support clauses like "within xx seconds" as shown in the paper as running examples?
as i digging into source code , only simplewith operator is supported... This confuse me a lot.
@yang-cao ,I have also encountered the same problem with you I use BlinkDB CLI,and run simple SQL queries like: select count(1) from src within 1 seconds; I run into an error: **FAILED: Parse Error: line 1:25 Failed to recognize predicate 'within'. Failed rule: 'kwInner' in join type specifier ** Have you solved this problem?Thanks.
@sunriseLe I donnot think there has that function. as deep in the source code ,only samplewith operator and approx_sum,approx_avg,approx_count implement.
@sunriseLe Yes, I agree with @wangchuan2008888 I guess such functions may not be supported by BlinkDB (but I didn't look into the code).
So,why are the statements written in papers?
I can only run statements such as samplewith operator and approx_sum,approx_avg,approx_count.I want to query with time and error bounds,but I failed! @yang-cao @wangchuan2008888
Yeah, I think only samplewith, approx_sum, approx_avg, and approx_count are implemented. I could not find any more modification in the code.
FYI, we are actively developing a related open-source AQP system at
Right now, our engine has the ability to progressively aggregate data (with possibly interactive visual updates), but please file an issue if you have some uses cases for "within XXX seconds".
Disclaimer: I am the main developer of this project.