quickswap-default-token-list copied to clipboard
- [ ] I understand that token listing is not required to use the QuickSwap Interface with a token.
- [ ] I understand that filing an issue or adding liquidity does not guarantee addition to the QuickSwap default token list.
- [ ] I will not ping the Discord/Telegram about this listing request.
Please provide the following information for your token.
Token Address(Ethereum): Token Address(Polygon): 0x23e8b6a3f6891254988b84da3738d2bfe5e703b9 Token Name (from contract): FABWELT Token Decimals (from contract): 18 Token Symbol (from contract): WELT Pair Address of Token on QuickSwap: 0x6e7a5FAFcec6BB1e78bAE2A1F0B612012BF14827
Link to the official homepage of token: https://www.fabwelt.com/ Link to CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko page of token: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/fabwelt